Lag Situation
The administration is working to decrease lags on the server. When you face lags from now on please give more detailed reports (see example) which includes the time and what kind of lags. This will help developpers to improve our server performance:
Playing from: (client or browser-which browser) including version
Time when it starts: 00:00
Hard (medium/soft) lag at the moment:
-Chat lags
-Game freezing
-504 Gateway Time-out
Tracert (please send in prv to tdeadlyj (discord) or T-DeAdLY-J only) :
How to find ping/tracert:
- Click on the windows sign (start)
- In Search type in cmd
- In the opening window write at the end
C:\Users\your ID given by the system>ping
C:\Users\your ID given by the system>tracert
ping, copy last line (Minimum = 29ms, Maximum = 47ms, Average = 34ms)
tracert, take screenshot and send prv to tdeadlyj (discord) or T-DeAdLY-J only
PS: Posts in this channel must only contain the requested information. Spam will be deleted and will result in a ban.
Die Administration arbeitet daran, die Lags auf dem Server zu verringern. Wer mit Lags konfrontiert wird, sollte bitte von nun an detailliertere Information zu den Lags bereitstellen (siehe Beispiel). Dies wird den Entwicklern helfen, die Leistung unseres Servers zu verbessern:
Gespielt wird über: (client oder browser-welcher browser) inklusive Version
Uhrzeit, zu der es beginnt: 00:00
Harter (mittlerer/wenig) Lag im Moment:
-Chat lags
-Spiel friert ein
-504 Gateway-Zeitüberschreitung
Tracert (bitte nur prv an tdeadlyj (discord) oder T-DeAdLY-J senden) :
Wie man Ping/Tracert findet:
- Klick auf das Windows-Zeichen (Start)
- In Suche cmd eintippen
- In dem sich öffnenden Fenster am Ende folgendes eintragen:
C:\Users\deine ID-automatisch eingegeben>ping
C:\Users\deine ID-automatisch eingegeben>tracert
ping, letzte Zeile kopieren (Minimum = 29ms, Maximum = 47ms, Durchschnitt = 34ms)
tracert, Screenshot machen und nur prv an tdeadlyj (discord) oder T-DeAdLY-J senden
PS: Beiträge in diesem Kanal dürfen nur die angeforderten Informationen enthalten. Spam wird gelöscht und führt zu einem Bann.
Thank you all for your feedback so far. Administration has been looking into already and it turns out, that some more information will be required to determine the issue:
Browser version
Wir danken allen für ihr bisheriges Feedback. Die Admonitration hat sich bereits darum gekümmert und es hat sich herausgestellt, dass einige weitere Informationen erforderlich sein werden, um das Problem zu ermitteln:
Playing from: (client or browser-which browser) including version
Time when it starts: 00:00
Hard (medium/soft) lag at the moment:
-Chat lags
-Game freezing
-504 Gateway Time-out
Tracert (please send in prv to tdeadlyj (discord) or T-DeAdLY-J only) :
How to find ping/tracert:
- Click on the windows sign (start)
- In Search type in cmd
- In the opening window write at the end
C:\Users\your ID given by the system>ping
C:\Users\your ID given by the system>tracert
ping, copy last line (Minimum = 29ms, Maximum = 47ms, Average = 34ms)
tracert, take screenshot and send prv to tdeadlyj (discord) or T-DeAdLY-J only
PS: Posts in this channel must only contain the requested information. Spam will be deleted and will result in a ban.
Die Administration arbeitet daran, die Lags auf dem Server zu verringern. Wer mit Lags konfrontiert wird, sollte bitte von nun an detailliertere Information zu den Lags bereitstellen (siehe Beispiel). Dies wird den Entwicklern helfen, die Leistung unseres Servers zu verbessern:
Gespielt wird über: (client oder browser-welcher browser) inklusive Version
Uhrzeit, zu der es beginnt: 00:00
Harter (mittlerer/wenig) Lag im Moment:
-Chat lags
-Spiel friert ein
-504 Gateway-Zeitüberschreitung
Tracert (bitte nur prv an tdeadlyj (discord) oder T-DeAdLY-J senden) :
Wie man Ping/Tracert findet:
- Klick auf das Windows-Zeichen (Start)
- In Suche cmd eintippen
- In dem sich öffnenden Fenster am Ende folgendes eintragen:
C:\Users\deine ID-automatisch eingegeben>ping
C:\Users\deine ID-automatisch eingegeben>tracert
ping, letzte Zeile kopieren (Minimum = 29ms, Maximum = 47ms, Durchschnitt = 34ms)
tracert, Screenshot machen und nur prv an tdeadlyj (discord) oder T-DeAdLY-J senden
PS: Beiträge in diesem Kanal dürfen nur die angeforderten Informationen enthalten. Spam wird gelöscht und führt zu einem Bann.
Thank you all for your feedback so far. Administration has been looking into already and it turns out, that some more information will be required to determine the issue:
Browser version
- If you see that you are using an older version of any browser, please update it to the newest version and see if the problem still consist before making a report here.
- Opera versions you can check here - need find last Stable update
- Chrome versions you can check here - need find last Stable Channel Update for Desktop
- In addition, if you use any unstable builds (dev, beta versions), it cannot be guaranteed guarantee that the game will work fine on them. As an example, we can say that Chrome Canary, as an experimental browser, breaks quite often.
Wir danken allen für ihr bisheriges Feedback. Die Admonitration hat sich bereits darum gekümmert und es hat sich herausgestellt, dass einige weitere Informationen erforderlich sein werden, um das Problem zu ermitteln:
- Wer eine ältere Version eines Browsers verwendet, sollte diese diese bitte auf die neueste Version aktualisieren und schauen, ob das Problem weiterhin besteht, bevor ihr hier einen Bericht erstellen.
- Opera-Versionen kann man hier überprüfen - man muss das letzte Stable-Update finden
- Chrome-Versionen kann man hierüberprüfen - sucht das letzte Stable Channel Update für Desktop
- Wenn man instabile Builds (Dev- oder Beta-Versionen) verwendet, kann nicht garantiert werden, dass das Spiel auf diesen Versionen funktioniert. Als Beispiel können wir sagen, dass Chrome Canary, als ein experimenteller Browser, ziemlich oft bricht.
This post has been edited 7 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Sep 11th 2023, 5:21pm)
Playing from: client and browser (Google Chrome)
Time when it starts: around 9pm game time
Nick: Altarie
on the client loading fights, lags in fights, going through locations, I have to refresh to be able to move / on the browser it works better, but every second/third fight I have to refresh the page because the fight doesn't load, I haven't noticed any lag during fight on the browser
* ping and tracert sent
Time when it starts: around 9pm game time
Nick: Altarie
on the client loading fights, lags in fights, going through locations, I have to refresh to be able to move / on the browser it works better, but every second/third fight I have to refresh the page because the fight doesn't load, I haven't noticed any lag during fight on the browser
* ping and tracert sent
Playing from: Browser - Opera
Time when it starts: 12:50
Nick: Grumpy Panda
Hard lag at the moment:
Fight were loading slowly and taking too long. I killed only 135 instead of 160/170 and got 95g instead of 110-120g See these fight links :…16&server_id=10
it was a 2 hit fight, actually i need 6-8 Seconds for such a fight but with lags i always need 12-15 seconds…36&server_id=10
that wasnt a 2 hit fight but it was to long anyway because i dont need over 20 seconds for only one nepherto
Time when it starts: 12:50
Nick: Grumpy Panda
Hard lag at the moment:
Fight were loading slowly and taking too long. I killed only 135 instead of 160/170 and got 95g instead of 110-120g See these fight links :…16&server_id=10
it was a 2 hit fight, actually i need 6-8 Seconds for such a fight but with lags i always need 12-15 seconds…36&server_id=10
that wasnt a 2 hit fight but it was to long anyway because i dont need over 20 seconds for only one nepherto
Playing from: Browser chrome,client
Time when it starts: evening around 23.00 server time and next day in the morning around 8.00
hard lags 10-15s for load fight
then 5s more before first hit and game freeze for another 10-15s had to reset client/browser so basicly 1minute for 1 mob medium lags on labirynth.
Time when it starts: evening around 23.00 server time and next day in the morning around 8.00
hard lags 10-15s for load fight
then 5s more before first hit and game freeze for another 10-15s had to reset client/browser so basicly 1minute for 1 mob medium lags on labirynth.
Playing from: client
Time when it starts: 23:00
Nick: DiaMonD AsSaSsIn
Hard lags. Fights were loading slowly (about 6-10 sec, window open but take time before me and mob show in it)) and taking too long, sometimes 2-3 times fight was freeze. Normaly Fight take me max 9 sec but with lags it was 30 and more :/
Time when it starts: 23:00
Nick: DiaMonD AsSaSsIn
Hard lags. Fights were loading slowly (about 6-10 sec, window open but take time before me and mob show in it)) and taking too long, sometimes 2-3 times fight was freeze. Normaly Fight take me max 9 sec but with lags it was 30 and more :/
Ich spiele über Client
Mein Spielername ist: Silberdistel
Der download der Clientdateien hat heute am 04.09.2023 von 21:21 Uhr bis 21:31 Uhr also ganze 10 Minuten gedauert. Nachdem ich einloggen angeklickt habe, hat es 2 Minuten gedauert bis das Bild aufgebaut war. Jede Aktion, die einen Bildaufbau erfordert, dauert zwischen 10 und 30 Sekunden.
Mein Spielername ist: Silberdistel
Der download der Clientdateien hat heute am 04.09.2023 von 21:21 Uhr bis 21:31 Uhr also ganze 10 Minuten gedauert. Nachdem ich einloggen angeklickt habe, hat es 2 Minuten gedauert bis das Bild aufgebaut war. Jede Aktion, die einen Bildaufbau erfordert, dauert zwischen 10 und 30 Sekunden.
Playing from: Brave Browser
Time when it starts: 18:13 making test, but same since every few fights since started hunt tday
Nick: Bal-rog
Fights freeze at the begining, Game doesn't load player and mob till i refresh the page 1 or 2 times.
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=31ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=56
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1 ms 1 ms <1 ms funbox.home []
2 7 ms 13 ms 6 ms []
3 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms []
4 10 ms 9 ms 11 ms
5 24 ms 26 ms 23 ms []
6 31 ms 32 ms 31 ms
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 31 ms 32 ms 30 ms []
Time when it starts: 18:13 making test, but same since every few fights since started hunt tday
Nick: Bal-rog
Fights freeze at the begining, Game doesn't load player and mob till i refresh the page 1 or 2 times.
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=31ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=56
Reply from bytes=32 time=30ms TTL=56
Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1 ms 1 ms <1 ms funbox.home []
2 7 ms 13 ms 6 ms []
3 4 ms 4 ms 4 ms []
4 10 ms 9 ms 11 ms
5 24 ms 26 ms 23 ms []
6 31 ms 32 ms 31 ms
7 * * * Request timed out.
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 31 ms 32 ms 30 ms []
Ich spiele über Client
Mein Spielername ist: Silberdistel
Lags sind permanent und seit ca. 14 Tagen extrem stark.
Der download der Clientdateien hat am 04.09.2023 von 21:21 Uhr bis 21:31 Uhr also ganze 10 Minuten gedauert. Nachdem ich einloggen angeklickt habe, hat es 2 Minuten gedauert bis das Bild aufgebaut war. Jede Aktion, die einen Bildaufbau erfordert, dauert zwischen 10 und 30 Sekunden.
Am 05.09.2023 um 22 Uhr gemessene ping zum Minimum
= 163ms, Maximum = 184ms, Mittelwert = 172ms
Mein Spielername ist: Silberdistel
Lags sind permanent und seit ca. 14 Tagen extrem stark.
Der download der Clientdateien hat am 04.09.2023 von 21:21 Uhr bis 21:31 Uhr also ganze 10 Minuten gedauert. Nachdem ich einloggen angeklickt habe, hat es 2 Minuten gedauert bis das Bild aufgebaut war. Jede Aktion, die einen Bildaufbau erfordert, dauert zwischen 10 und 30 Sekunden.
Am 05.09.2023 um 22 Uhr gemessene ping zum Minimum
= 163ms, Maximum = 184ms, Mittelwert = 172ms
Ergänzung zu meinem vorherigen Post:
Routenverfolgung zu []
über maximal 30 Hops:
1 2 ms
2 ms 2 ms []
2 11 ms
13 ms 10 ms []
3 16 ms
13 ms 14 ms f-ed14-i.F.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
4 14 ms
13 ms 13 ms
5 21 ms
21 ms 22 ms
6 *
* * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
7 *
* * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
8 *
* * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
9 38 ms
37 ms 36 ms []
Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
Routenverfolgung zu []
über maximal 30 Hops:
1 2 ms
2 ms 2 ms []
2 11 ms
13 ms 10 ms []
3 16 ms
13 ms 14 ms f-ed14-i.F.DE.NET.DTAG.DE []
4 14 ms
13 ms 13 ms
5 21 ms
21 ms 22 ms
6 *
* * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
7 *
* * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
8 *
* * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
9 38 ms
37 ms 36 ms []
Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
Playing from: Used to play from client, currently playing from opera gx (tried also on firefox)
Time when it starts: Lags started in december 21-23 (don't remember correctly because it was looong time ago, but im sure it was one of those days) in year 2021!!!
Nick: enrix
-Longer fight loading (20-20+% less mosters slain during rainbow)
-Sometimes delay between hits during fight
-Longer loading of almost everything - using items in backpack is very problematic sometimes, especially when i need to use moroks in dangerous situations.
-Sometimes, there is a delay on chat
-Very big delay when using storage in Estate
Ping: Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 29ms, Maximum = 31ms, Average = 30ms
Time when it starts: Lags started in december 21-23 (don't remember correctly because it was looong time ago, but im sure it was one of those days) in year 2021!!!
Nick: enrix
-Longer fight loading (20-20+% less mosters slain during rainbow)
-Sometimes delay between hits during fight
-Longer loading of almost everything - using items in backpack is very problematic sometimes, especially when i need to use moroks in dangerous situations.
-Sometimes, there is a delay on chat
-Very big delay when using storage in Estate
Ping: Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 29ms, Maximum = 31ms, Average = 30ms
pvp is just impossible:
in sky:
never saw the hum, but soudainly i was almost dead, I hit, nothing happend, but hum take damage etc ....
So while hunting, fight take so much time to load then lag for hit .... waste of time
pvp impossible ...
what remain? even chat lag
Please try to give the information as requested. Simply ranting isn't helpful at all. Thank you!
in sky:
never saw the hum, but soudainly i was almost dead, I hit, nothing happend, but hum take damage etc ....
So while hunting, fight take so much time to load then lag for hit .... waste of time
pvp impossible ...
what remain? even chat lag
Please try to give the information as requested. Simply ranting isn't helpful at all. Thank you!
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Sep 10th 2023, 8:19pm)

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