Queen Andorvane
The Queen gives 0xp but the gate guards do. There is only one gate for the celestial queen though.
Immunity to stunning
Mighty Confrontation 3 – she can battle 3 opponents at once
Shackles of powerlessness – your mount's magical abilities will not work
Divine Enhancement – Immune to debuff scrolls, powders and arrows etc. HP and power scales with attacker.
Black Arrow – Reduces damage to 1 and deals 5% of hp in damage every 10 seconds. Can be removed by a player joining after ability is used.
Jagged Arrow - Player with largest damage loses health and mana equal to 40% of damage done.
Volley - poison doing 10% or max hp and then a further 30% over 1 minute.
All levels: it is advised to group or take several summons. You need to stagger joining or summoning to counter the effect of her Black Arrow ability. So once she has used this ability the next player joins and so on. Other than that just hit her!