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Wednesday, October 11th 2023, 10:25am

egg lost ....

10.10 03:30 You have used the necessary materials to strengthen the shell: Fire Flower 10 pcs, Scarlet Ink 20 pcs, Malleable Stone 40 pcs, Maturing Phoenix Egg 1 pcs. Current progress 4 of 7.

and today the egg is lost. Can i have some explain pls?


Wednesday, October 11th 2023, 11:00am

Each time the egg is fed, its lifespan is renewed to 30 hours, as per the news here.

If you fed it at 03:30, it will have expired at 09:30 today.


Wednesday, October 11th 2023, 11:17am

Ok, ty for explain ...

4. At 4 am, you can take care of the egg of your choice again. .... that's also in news.... but is wrong
so what is true in news, and what is real?

Anyway, shame they think the only thing we have to do in life is log on that game.

Is the drop too much for me
Have fun all :bye:


Thursday, October 12th 2023, 3:23am

the chance to feed it resets at midnight server time


Thursday, October 12th 2023, 10:50am

This is an obvious mistake, administration. Now they can update the news and say that time is 30 hours, an egg wasted in 4 days, similarly)

:wall: :wall:


Thursday, October 12th 2023, 12:08pm

11. 10 2:49 am You have used the necessary materials to strengthen the shell: Cuckoo Flowers 10 pcs, Dragon Blood Dust 20 pcs, Deepwater Poison 40 pcs, Maturing Manticore Egg 1 pcs. Current progress 4 of 7.
now i can't find the egg in my bag…rtikul_id=35759


Thursday, October 12th 2023, 12:19pm

Each time the egg is fed, its lifespan is renewed to 30 hours, as per the news here.

If you fed it at 02:49 (11.10), it will have expired at 08:49 today. (12.10)
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Thursday, October 12th 2023, 12:40pm



Sunday, October 15th 2023, 8:45pm

egg lost wthin time too, no thanks at all.


Monday, October 16th 2023, 12:31pm

egg lost wthin time too, no thanks at all.

You fed your egg on 7th October (09:07 server time). You did not feed the egg within the next 30 hours, so it expired on 8th October (15:07 server time).