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Celestial Empowerment Event Guide
Another one of my little guides in your forum.
This guide was first published here, and unlike on forum where things tend to disappear for no reason, it will not be removed there. That is also where it will be kept up to date. If you decide to check it out, open the link in a browser, it doesn't work in the current client version.
In this guide, for simplicity, I refer to the event bosses as superbeings. However, not all of them are indeed superbeings, so keep that in mind if you require a superbeing kill for quests, etc.
General information about the event
Juggernaut resources and reputation
Fight recommendations

Skills common for most Empowered Superbeings
Divine Enhancement
This creature receives immunity to weakening and counter effects from scrolls and powders, and also to Chaos Magic. In addition, it instantly removes the effects of most arrows. Its attack power and maximum health change based on the enemy's level.
Superbeings which have this skill: All except for Butcher - Butcher instead has Sixth Sense and Evasive, which together give the same effect as Divine Enhancement.
Shackles of Powerlessness
A curse of powerlessness, which does not allow mounts to use magic capabilities in battle.
Superbeings which have this skill: All
Immunity to Stunning
You cannot stun this creature. Instead blows that usually stun will inflict double damage on it.
Superbeings which have this skill: All except for Butcher
Mighty Confrontation
The monster possesses incredible might and resourcefulness, enabling him to fight a large number of opponents (3) at the same time.
Superbeings which have this skill: Spider, Balthazar, Edera, Fazgrod, Scorpion, Tree, Harcide, Androvane
This guide was first published here, and unlike on forum where things tend to disappear for no reason, it will not be removed there. That is also where it will be kept up to date. If you decide to check it out, open the link in a browser, it doesn't work in the current client version.
In this guide, for simplicity, I refer to the event bosses as superbeings. However, not all of them are indeed superbeings, so keep that in mind if you require a superbeing kill for quests, etc.
General information about the event
- The exact duration of the event can be checked in the events tab in game.
- All Celestial bosses are available to players from level 3 (even if normally there's no access to the instance at player's level)
- The empowered superbeings can be found in the regular instances (check event news for details).
- During the event it is impossible to fight the regular version of the monster in an instance instead of the event one.
- Celestial superbeings do not give exp.
- Reward for killing the monster for the first time during a single event is a Battered Chest, for subsequent (up to 5) victories - Small Shabby Chest.
Juggernaut resources and reputation
- All the superbeings which normally give Juggernaut resources and reputation still give resources and reputation during the event.
- Monster's level being decreased doesn't make those Juggernaut resources non-transferable.
- Restrictions on obtaining the reputation are the same as normally.
- This also means that there is a possibility for low level players to get more reputation than what normal limit is. For example, a level 5 player (who normally could only increase Juggernaut reputation to 2500), if they have studied the relevant guidebooks, can increase reputation during those event to 2800 (Scorpion), 2900 (Fazgrod) or 3000 (Edera).
Fight recommendations
- The strength and health of the Celestial bosses depends on the player's level. However, the boss will adjust its health/power to the first player they see in fight, so if there are level 15 and 16 players in a group, the boss can have 100k or 130k hp depending on which player stands opposite to the boss first. If a player level 15 attacks a boss and then, after the boss' hp changes to 100k, level 16 player joins, boss' hp will stay at 100k, it will not adjust again.
- All Celestial bosses block mounts' skills, this however does not apply to the Time-Lost Battle Tuver. Arhas' skill should work as well.
- Most bosses' skills deal damage based on %, so consider taking one more healing potion instead of giant.
- It is advised to go in a group and prepared, equip good quality potions/scrolls, bless, take summons, and most importantly - read the description of skills the boss uses.

Skills common for most Empowered Superbeings
Divine Enhancement
This creature receives immunity to weakening and counter effects from scrolls and powders, and also to Chaos Magic. In addition, it instantly removes the effects of most arrows. Its attack power and maximum health change based on the enemy's level.
Superbeings which have this skill: All except for Butcher - Butcher instead has Sixth Sense and Evasive, which together give the same effect as Divine Enhancement.
Shackles of Powerlessness
A curse of powerlessness, which does not allow mounts to use magic capabilities in battle.
Superbeings which have this skill: All
Immunity to Stunning
You cannot stun this creature. Instead blows that usually stun will inflict double damage on it.
Superbeings which have this skill: All except for Butcher
Mighty Confrontation
The monster possesses incredible might and resourcefulness, enabling him to fight a large number of opponents (3) at the same time.
Superbeings which have this skill: Spider, Balthazar, Edera, Fazgrod, Scorpion, Tree, Harcide, Androvane
Celestial Empowerment: Balthazar
Balthazar [3]
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Demonic flesh
In the heat of battle, the flesh of Balthazar [3] slowly heats up, going from cold to warm, from warm to hot, and from hot to very hot. But then it begins to cool off again.
Demonic flesh - cold - Balthazar's [3] flesh is cold as ice and cannot be hurt by attacking enemies.
Demonic flesh - warm - Balthazar's [3] flesh grows hot: his enemies lose mana in the amount of 99% of their damage dealt.
Demonic flesh - festering - Balthazar's [3] flesh becomes red hot: his wounds heal faster, and warrior's weapons start to melt. The demon takes 40% less gamage.
Demonic flesh - burning - Balthazar's [3] flesh is white hot. Fighting it now is just crazy. The scalding heat makes its enemies lose health in the amount of 99% of their damage dealt.
Transmigration of souls
Balthazar [3] uses the magic of the darkest depths of Hell to suck the life from its enemy. If successful, the demon recovers health in the amount of 40% of the maximum value. However, if the source lies low for a while, this horrible fate can be avoided.

Fight recommendations
It is best to go in a group of at least 2 people due to the Transmigration of souls effect (Balthazar uses it several times in battle).
When Balthazar uses it on one player, that player should avoid hitting, and the other player should hit until the counter on Balthazar reaches 0 and the Transmigration effects goes away.
If you fight Balthazar alone, after he throws Transmigration on you, use a couple of summons to bring the counter on Balthazar down.
When it comes to the Demonic flesh effects, it's best to stall the burning effect. Also remember to bring enough mana scrolls/potions (to make up for the mana you lose with Demonic flesh - warm.)
Celestial Empowerment: Bog Elf
Bog Elf [9]
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Easy Prey
Noticing the warrior in a blocking stance in front of it, the o let's out a long wail, making the swampy quagmire slowly draw the enemy in. If the warrior remains in the blocking stance, they will be completely swallowed by the swamp.
Stuns a warrior who stands for too long without moving. Getting out of the quagmire takes 20 seconds.
Life Extracting Poison
Bog Elf [9] infects the warrior in front of it with a deadly poison, dealing 60% damage to their maximum life force and restoring 25% health to the Bog Elf. The warrior can use a scroll of healing to remove the poison. However, they will take all the remaining damage at once.
The swamp's poison cloud infects summoned creatures, causing them to lose 25% of their maximum life force once every 30 seconds. As soon as the infected dies, a tangle of Phitzells bursts from their body.
Poisonous spores
After taking damage, Bog Elf [9] releases a cloud of spores that penetrate the warrior's skin. If a warrior under the spores' effect tries to attack, they immediately lose health in the amount of 100% and mana in the amount of 50% of the damage dealt.

Fight recommendations
Bog Elf is relatively easy, can be fought without problems even solo. Don't block and just hit, don't use summons. 3 times per battle Bog Elf will use the poison, remove it will a scroll of healing, but first make sure that your hp level is high enough! When he uses spores, wait until the effect ends (it's okay to hit if you want, but just remember the retribution effect; if you wait, don't stay in block).
Celestial Empowerment: Christmas Tree
Christmas Tree [5]
- You can enter the Christmas Tree's instance by speaking to the Spirit of the New Year.
- The availability of the Magical tree instance can be checked by using /instinfo command in chat.
- For defeating the Christmas Tree you receive additional rewards - Magic Snowflakes. For the first victory you can obtain 15 Snowflakes, for each next (up to 5 during a single event) - 3 Snowflakes.
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Gifts under the tree
A pile of presents placed directly under the Christmas Tree [5] prevents you from approaching it in order to attack. Each of the gifts reduces the damage received by the Tree by 13%.
The Warrior can use a Scroll of Poisoning on the Christmas Tree to take one of the gifts for himself and unwrap it.
Warriors may also use a Scroll of Healing or Mana on an ally to give one of their unwrapped gifts, chosen randomly, to that ally.
Each warrior may have no more than two gifts at a time.
The Magic of Christmas is not eternal, and 4 minutes after the first gift is unwrapped, each of them will go back under the tree.
Festive garland
Christmas Tree [5] winds a festive garland around your enemies and lights it. The first enemy hit will take damage equal to 4% of their maximum life force. The second enemy will take 8%. The damage will continue to increase by double the original value until the garland is lit up on twenty different opponents or until there are no opponents left unentangled in garlands.
The strong roots of the Christmas Tree [5] wrap around one of the warriors, preventing him from fighting. The damage he inflicts will be reduced by 40%.

Fight recommendations
Best to go in a group of at least 4 players: with 4 players in the group, when each player has 2 gifts, there is no damage reduction. (With 3 players there is 22% damage reduction, with 2 players - 48% damage reduction). Make sure to equip poison scrolls to remove the gifts from the Tree, recommended 2 slots of red poisons or equivalent number of lower quality (best to put them in illusionary pockets then).
Gifts are refreshed every 4 minutes, so hit quickly and don't stall. Also pay attention to your hp level for when the Tree uses Festive garland.
Celestial Empowerment: Edera
Edera [5]
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Edera [5] infects one of her opponents, causing them to lose 2% of their maximum life force every 10 seconds. After this time expires, Nepherto Sprout will appear on the opponent.
Nepherto Sprout
Sprout of a carnivorous flower found in the world of Faeo, planted by Edera [5]. Under the influence of rampant growth, the sprout can turn into a Nepherto [6].
Edera [5] casts a spell that drains life from living beings and gives it to plants. Each of her opponents will lose 20% of their maximum health, and Vagrant Nepherto Sprout will appear on them.
Vagrant Nepherto Sprout
Sprout of a carnivorous flower found in the world of Faeo, planted by Edera [5]. Under the influence of rampant growth, the sprout can turn into a Vagrant Nepherto [6].
Rampant Growth
Edera [5] conducts a ritual that speeds up growth of all plants in Faeo. This will make all of the Nepherto Sprouts and Vagrant Nepherto Sprouts turn into flowers, which will definitely be protecting their mistress. Having escaped from the body in which the sprout was located, each flower will inflict damage equal to 2% of their maximum life force.

Nepherto [6] and Vagrant Nepherto [6] have the Immunity to Stunning and Shackles of Powerlessness skills, and they also spread Pollen on the battlefield:
Poison Pollen
Nepherto [6] spreads Poison Pollen across the whole battlefield, causing all opponents to lose 1% of their maximum health.
Nepherto can't release the Poison Pollen if it is under the influence of a Scroll of Poisoning.
Weakening pollen
Vagrant Nepherto [6] covers the battlefield with pollen, reducing the amount of healing received by opponents by 5%.
The Weakening Pollen won't catch the warrior if they are under the influence of a Healing or Mana Scroll when it is sprayed.
This effect is cumulative.

Fight recommendations
Recommended group of 3 or more players.
Risky version: If you use blesses which increase damage, you can try to just hit and kill Edera as fast as possible, if you can kill it fast enough than the Nepherto effects will not have time to affect the fight.
If you prefer a safer variant, take mana, healing, and poison scrolls (one slot of each should be enough). When nephertoes start appearing, make sure you are constantly under the effect of healing scrolls or scrolls of mana, so that the Vagrant Nepherto's pollen can't affect you. Also make sure that the regular Nephertoes are under the effect of poisoning scroll, communicate with other players in the group and take turns using poison scrolls.
Low level players can benefit from strong summons to help do as much damage as quickly as possible.
Celestial Empowerment: Emperor Scorpion
Emperor Scorpion [11]
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Stinging Blow
Emperor Scorpion [11] deals a powerful blow with its stinger, poisoning the enemy and causing them to lose 40% of their maximum life force over 40 seconds. The poisoned enemy will lose health in the amount of 40% of the damage dealt by them. Summoned creatures take two times more damage from this venom.
Lethal Poison
Emperor Scorpion [11] injects an enemy with deadly venom, dealing damage in the amount of 2% of the target's maximum life force once every 20 seconds. If the scorpion uses this ability to repeatedly poison the target, the venom mutates and also becomes a Weakening Toxin.
A scroll of healing used by another warrior on the poisoned target can completely expel the deadly venom from the victim's body.
Weakening Toxin
Lethal Poison in the victim's body has mutated. Now it also reduces damage dealt by the warrior by 40%. If Emperor Scorpion [11] uses this ability on a poisoned enemy again, the venom mutates again and also becomes a paralyzing toxin.
A scroll of healing used by another warrior on the poisoned target can completely cleanse them of the venom, however, the warrior who uses the scroll will themselves become inflicted with the deadly venom, but without the weakening toxin.
Paralyzing Toxin
Lethal Poison in the victim's body has mutated again. Now it also stuns the victim.
A scroll of healing used by another warrior on the poisoned target can completely cleanse them of the venom, however, the warrior who uses the scroll will themselves become inflicted with the deadly venom that has mutated into a weakening toxin.
Poison Saturation
Emperor Scorpion [11] slowly saturates one of its venomous rumps. Once fully saturated, the rump will explode, dealing damage to all enemies for every percentage point of health lost by the scorpion during poison saturation
The link to this effect is broken in game, but it should not have any impact on how it works.
Emperor Scorpion [11] recovers 10% of its maximum life force.

Fight recommendations
Stinging Blow: drink life pot, summon arhas or roc, grog, shadow, etc.
Lethal Poison: use healing scroll on the player affected with the Lethal Poison. Be careful though, if you use healing scroll on your ally, then you won't be able to use healing scrolls or healing pots on yourself for a while, this can be dangerous in case you get hit with Stinging Blow.
Poison Saturation - advised stalling.
Celestial Empowerment: Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul
Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul [5]
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Soul Extraction
Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul [5] starts to channel a terrible curse, targeting the champion who inflicted the most damage in combat. While this effect is active, at the start of each of its turns, the monster will reduce the damage dealt by the affected enemy by 10%, every time receiving a Soul Fragment. Allies of a warrior affected by a Soul Extraction can break the curse by using a Scroll of Healing and Mana. However, the person using the scroll will take damage equal to [color=]50%[/color] of their maximum life force, and the magic of the scroll will dissolve without a trace.
Soul Fragment
A shard of the soul of one of the enemies Undead [5], received when using the ability Soul Extraction. These shards are needed for use of the abilities Dark Explosion and Restoration.
Dark Explosion
Using this spell requires 5 Soul Fragmentss. Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul [5] creates a blast wave dealing damage to all enemies equal to 30% of their maximum life force.
Using this spell requires 3 Soul Fragmentss. Wounds inflicted by Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul [5] are healed rapidly and the monster regains 10% of its maximum life force.
Life Stealing
Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul [5] creates an invisible health conduit between itself and the warrior with the highest health. While this effect is active, at the start of each turn, the monster will restore 2% of its maximum life force and the affected opponent will lose 10%.
The allies of the warrior can break the bonds created by use of the Scroll of Poisoning on the Undead. However, the magic of the scroll will dissolve without a trace, weakening the body of the user of the scroll and causing them to lose health and mana equal to 80% of the damage inflicted.

Fight recommendations
Split tasks within the group. At first 2 players should attack, one responsible for dealing damage and one for removing effects with scrolls.
The person who focuses on dealing damage should try to keep 100% health. Good idea is to use some vampirism effects, atshi, etc. Take resurrection (can be put into illusionary pockets), in case the supporter needs it.
Another person should be a supporter: don't use giant. 1-2 slots of healing scrolls and 1-2 slots of mana scrolls, 1-2 slots of poison, healing pots. Do not deal damage, but rather stay in block and skip hits. Try to keep health level at ~75%. Use poison scrolls on Fazgrod. When Fazgrod uses Life Stealing and the poisoning effects on Fazgrod disappear, you'll get a 1 min retribution effect, just stall when it's on (you should be stalling and avoiding making damage anyway). Mana/Healing scrolls should be used on the player who is dealing damage. Same as poison scrolls, they can be thrown in advance. When they are triggered, supporter loses 50% health, (it's better to use mana scrolls on the attacker, so that you can drink a healing potion). After healing, if your hp is high, go off block to get it down to ~75% again. Use scrolls of healing on yourself to recover health slowly, so that you don't increase your hp too much.
If there are more players in the group, they can join 1-2 mins after the attacker and supporter, so that the attacker can do as much damage as possible without being interrupted (and ensure that other players don't do more damage than the attacker). Take atshi, some poison/mana/healing scrolls and help the supporter as needed while also helping deal damage.
Celestial Empowerment: Gurraldiy Korr (part 1)
Gurraldiy Korr [6]
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Cutting off a Limb
As one tentacle falls in battle, Gurraldiy Korr [6] loses 10% of its maximum life force. However, it then fully heals the remaining tentacle and after 60 seconds raises a new one from the water.
Healing Stream
The healing waters wash over the body of Gurraldiy Korr [6] instantly expelling all poisons from it.
Hulking Giant
The blessing of the stars has granted Gurraldiy Korr [6] huge size and endurance. Going head-to-head against such a monster is not an option. However, it has become so clumsy as a result that it can no longer attack enemies on its own. It uses its tentacles instead: strangling [6], crushing [6] and striking [6] tentacles. At the start of the fight, Gurraldiy Korr [6] pulls two tentacles out of the water.

All tentacles have the Mighty Confrontation (2) and Shackles of Powerlessness skills. Additionally each of them has some unique skills:

Desiccating (Strangling) Tentacle's [6] skills:
Imminent danger
Gurraldiy Korr [6] slowly sends one of its tentacles at a warrior. The warrior can see the danger coming, but cannot stop it. After 5 minutes, the tentacle is sure to grab them.
Premonition of danger
You feel the Desiccating Tentacle [6] slowly moving closer to grab you.
Gurraldiy Korr [6] grabs hold of a warrior with its strangling tentacle [6]. An unlucky warrior loses 99% of their current life force and also cannot deal damage while the tentacle holds them. Meanwhile, the body of the protects the warrior from any damage for 1 turn.
However, the tentacle [6] itself also cannot deal damage. If the warriors are able to cut it off, it will immediately let its target go.
Celestial Empowerment: Gurraldiy Korr (part 2)
Crushing Tentacle's [6] skills:
In the shadow of a giant
Gurraldiy Korr [6] targets the most dangerous foe and raises its crushing tentacle [6] over them. As soon as the tentacle is in place, it unleashes it on the warrior.
With a mighty blow, Gurraldiy Korr [6] pins the warrior who has dealt the most damage to the ground. The target of this ability loses 60% of their maximum life force. Recovering from such a blow is not easy; damage dealt by the warrior is temporarily reduced by 60%.

Piercing (Striking) Tentacle's [6] skills:
Mighty Swing
Gurraldiy Korr [6] swings its striking tentacle [6] in a powerful arc that deals damage to all enemies in the amount of 15% of their maximum life force.
Piercing Tentacle [6] is covered in razor-sharp spikes. Gurraldiy Korr [6] takes cover behind it from enemies. If a warrior attacks, they will lose a certain amount of health based on the damage dealt.

Fight recommendations
Your goal is to kill 10 tentacles. Tentacles do not have immunity to stun, so consider using for example rock skin or rock deck.
If you go alone, focus on hitting one of the tentacles. Turn block on and don't use magic (to save mana) when on Korr or the other tentacle.
The highest priority is always the Crushing Tentacle (even if it is summoned after you already started hitting another one). It takes 5 minutes before the Crushing Tentacle's weakening effect is applied (but the timer isn't visible anywhere).
Second in order of importance is Strangling/Desiccating Tentacle, here the timer is visible and you have 5 mins to kill it. But even if it is not killed in time, if it uses Desiccation on you, you are protected for 1 turn, use life pot or arhas.
If you go in group, this fight is much easier and you don't really have to pay that much attention to it, just keep hitting.
In the shadow of a giant
Gurraldiy Korr [6] targets the most dangerous foe and raises its crushing tentacle [6] over them. As soon as the tentacle is in place, it unleashes it on the warrior.
With a mighty blow, Gurraldiy Korr [6] pins the warrior who has dealt the most damage to the ground. The target of this ability loses 60% of their maximum life force. Recovering from such a blow is not easy; damage dealt by the warrior is temporarily reduced by 60%.

Piercing (Striking) Tentacle's [6] skills:
Mighty Swing
Gurraldiy Korr [6] swings its striking tentacle [6] in a powerful arc that deals damage to all enemies in the amount of 15% of their maximum life force.
Piercing Tentacle [6] is covered in razor-sharp spikes. Gurraldiy Korr [6] takes cover behind it from enemies. If a warrior attacks, they will lose a certain amount of health based on the damage dealt.

Fight recommendations
Your goal is to kill 10 tentacles. Tentacles do not have immunity to stun, so consider using for example rock skin or rock deck.
If you go alone, focus on hitting one of the tentacles. Turn block on and don't use magic (to save mana) when on Korr or the other tentacle.
The highest priority is always the Crushing Tentacle (even if it is summoned after you already started hitting another one). It takes 5 minutes before the Crushing Tentacle's weakening effect is applied (but the timer isn't visible anywhere).
Second in order of importance is Strangling/Desiccating Tentacle, here the timer is visible and you have 5 mins to kill it. But even if it is not killed in time, if it uses Desiccation on you, you are protected for 1 turn, use life pot or arhas.
If you go in group, this fight is much easier and you don't really have to pay that much attention to it, just keep hitting.
Celestial Empowerment: Harcide
Harcide [5]
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Honey Trap
Harcide [5] covers the body of one of his opponents with a layer of honey, which reduces the damage inflicted by him by 60%. From time to time, the honey trap switches to another enemy of the Harcide.
A warrior who is not trapped in a honey trap can use the healing scroll to free a comrade. However, at the same time, he will find himself in a honey trap.
Stinging Blow
Harcide [5] stings his enemy, dealing damage in the amount of 40% of the maximum reserve of vitality. This ability also affects the one who is enclosed in the Honey Trap.
A swarm of zigreds
Harcide [5] releases a swarm of zigreds on its enemies, inflicting damage to each in the amount of 20% of the maximum reserve of vitality. The swarm will linger on the enemy caught in the Honey Trap, inflicting damage in the amount of 30% of the maximum reserve of vitality in 60 seconds.
Caramelized honey
Honey Trap freezes slowly. By the time you get 5 of these effects, it will Solidified honey.
Solidified honey
Honey Trap completely frozen, trapping your movements. You will lose health and mana in the amount of 60% of the damage inflicted.

Fight recommendations
Relatively easy fight if you go in group. Remove the Honey Trap from the strongest players in the group and keep your life high enough for Stinging Blow/Swarm.
Celestial Empowerment: Kretch Butcher
Kretch Butcher [5]
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Break Formation
The Butcher runs up and jumps into a crowd of enemies, if he sees someone in the block, of course. It hurts a lot.
In the Name of the Butcher
Seeing their Butcher [5] in danger, the Kretches living nearby are prepared to rush to help their leader and sacrifice their lives, healing the Butcher for 60% of its maximum health over 90 sec.
Green Slime
This spell removes all current healing scroll and elixir effects from opponents. And poisons all opponents. Enemies lose 510 life points over 90 sec.
Ominous Aura
The ominous aura of the Kretch Butcher [5] reduces the vampirism of warriors attacking it by 30%. In addition, after attacking the Butcher, the warrior loses mana equal to 5% of the damage inflicted. Elixirs of Atshi also cease to have an effect on warriors challenging the Butcher.
It is possible that this effect not only reduces vampirism, but also - if your vampirism isn't high enough - causes retribution, so pay attention to that.

Fight recommendations
Clear the location of small kretches before attacking Butcher. Equip giant (preferably red), do not use atshi elixir (anger will be better).
Do not use block!
If you go with a group, consider joining one at a time to avoid Green Slime poison being cast on multiple players who will be losing health without the possibility of hitting butcher. Pay attention to your health level when the poison is used.
I'm not sure how the Green Slime works when it comes to removing healing scroll and potion, but if it's the same as with regular Butcher, it means it can't be removed in your turn, only in Butcher's turn. So use healing in your turn when Butcher is opposite you (and not other players or summons) and stall while it's working.
Other than this it shouldn't be too difficult, and gets easier the more players there are in the group.
Celestial Empowerment: Queen Andorvane
Queen Andorvane [5]
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Black Arrow
Queen Andorvane [5] fires arrows laced with a special poison at all enemies. An enemy hit by these arrows will lose 5% of their maximum life force every 10 seconds and will not be able to deal damage in battle. The only one who can get the allies rid of the curse is a warrior who enters the battle after this ability had been used.
Jagged Arrow
Queen Andorvane [5] fires a jagged arrow at a warrior who had inflicted the greatest damage, to tear their tendons apart, so that the warrior affected will lose health and mana equivalent to 40% of the damage inflicted.
Queen Andorvane [5] fires poisoned arrows at opponents. Each of them will receive damage equal to 10% of their maximum life force, and over the next 60 seconds they will lose another 30% .

Fight recommendations
The most important thing to remember is the Black Arrow skill. Go in a group of 3 or more people, but don't join all at once. 1 person starts the fight, the Queen will use first Black Arrow when her hp goes down to ~70%, then second player joins. Next Black Arrow comes ar ~35% of Queen's hp (on both players already in fight), 3rd player (or all remaining players) joins then.
Summons can be used to help deal enough damage, especially before more players join the fight. Keep an eye on your hp level for when she uses Volley.
Celestial Empowerment: Spider Patriarch
Spider Patriarch [5]
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Weaver of elements
Spider Patriarch [5] spins his web slowly, casting the threads onto the warriors who dare to challenge him. The monster can spin either a fire or frost thread - as long as the warrior is entangled with only one of these types, it won't cause him a great deal of harm. But if the entanglement involves two or more fire threads and two or more frost threads at the same time, the web tightens, stunning the victim for 90 seconds and causing them to lose 90% of their maximum health.
A Scroll of Healing of Mana, cast by an ally of a warrior caught in a web, will free the victim from the threads which have a greater number, and transfer them to the caster. However, the magic of the scroll will dissolve without a trace.
Stupefying Poison
Spider Patriarch [5] sinks his mandibles into one of his opponents, injecting a special toxin into the victim's flesh. A poisoned enemy will lose 1% of health every 20 seconds. If the concentration of Stupefying Poison reaches 5 or more, it will cause hallucinations.
A high concentration of Stupefying Poison has caused you to hallucinate. While this effect is active, you will be dealing 80% less damage.
Spider Patriarch [5] strikes all opponents with its legs, leaving terrible wounds on their bodies. Enemies attacked will lose health and mana equal to 40% of the damage inflicted.

Fight recommendations
Best to go in a group. The bigger the group, the smaller the probability of catching 4 (2 fire and 2 frost) threads. Until you have 3 threads on you (2 of one colour and 1 of the other colour), just keep hitting the Spider. When you have 3 threads, ask your teammates for a scroll. You can decide who will "collect" which colour threads.
Celestial Empowerment: Sunken Ship's Captain
Sunken Ship's Captain [5]
Skills (in addition to those listed in the first post of this guide):
Saber blow
Sunken Ship's Captain [5] dishes out a Mighty Swing of the saber, striking up to three enemies. Each of them receives damage equal to 10% of their maximum life force. In addition, the affected enemy will take 10% more damage from any source.
Dead Rum
Sunken Ship's Captain [5] pulls out a Bottle of Dead Rum and takes a large swig from it. The healing power of the drink will restore the captain's health at a rate of 1% of maximum life force every 10 seconds. And because of the stench coming from the rum, all of Captain Hagar's opponents have their attack power reduced by 30%.
The effect is cumulative.
All Aboard!
Sunken Ship's Captain [5] orders his Ghostly Crew to fire off a volley of shots from all their guns. The Ghostly Crew will fire off 5 rounds. Each of them hits a random enemy captain, inflicting damage equal to 5% of their maximum life force instantly, as well as an additional 5% of maximum life force over 10 seconds.
Shot at point-blank range
Sunken Ship's Captain [5] deftly pulls out a concealed crossbow and fires it at one of his opponents. The mixture of fire and red-hot metal will damage the enemy making him lose 50% of his maximum life force. If the enemy was standing in front of Hagar, the shot will kill them instead.

Fight recommendations
Captain uses the Shot at point-blank range ability approx. every 5 minutes (can be a bit more than 5 mins, for example every 5 mins 10 secs), so it is recommended not to drag out the fight and make sure that when he uses this ability you have more than 50% hp.
If you go in a group, you can try to join the fight and kill the captain fast.
Alternatively, one person can start the fight, then before the captain uses the skill for the first time, use shadow with resurrection. After Captain uses his ability, call the rest of the group to fight.
You can use Ling amulets before the Shot (remember the cooldown for using Lings). The more participants in the fight when Capt uses the Shot ability, the lower probability of getting killed. Everyone in the team can also take some resurrection scrolls (in illusionary slots).
Celestial Empowerment: Union of Constellations (part 1)

During the Union of Constellations you can fight all empowered creatures in an instance called Stone Heavens. The entrance to the instance can be found in the

In order to open the door leading to a superbeing, you need to obtain an appropriate scroll by performing various in-game activities (different for each superbeing). Each group member needs to use an entry scroll in order to enter the hall where the boss dwells. The scrolls cannot be sold on auction, but they can be exchanged via trade for other scrolls. At the end of the event all entry scrolls will disappear.

Victories over the celestial versions will bring you Fragments of perfect bezels, special achievements, as well as a chance to receive a commemorative copper (

The level of perfect bezel fragments received will depend on the level of the group:
Level 1-5 groups - grey bezel fragments
Level 6-10 groups - green bezel fragments
Level 11-15 groups - blue bezel fragments
Level 16-20 groups - purple bezel fragments
100 fragments are required to create a perfect bezel.
The bezel fragments will always be the basic, not upgraded version ("I"), but - with some probability - you can receive a Bag of Magic Stones as one of the rewards for killing a superbeing. Stones in the bag will be for perfect bezels for the same armour part bezel as the bezel fragments. Also any extra perfect bezels that you have can be exchanged for magic stones in the premium shop.
Learn more about perfect bezels and perfect bezel upgrades

In addition, having defeated one of the superbeings, you can receive an additional reward by emptying the caches in his dwelling. The treasures can be opened by using Mithril Key You can do this three times in total, but each time more keys will be required. For the first time, one key is enough, for the second, five, and for the third time you will need ten.
Celestial Empowerment: Union of Constellations (part 2)
Access Scroll: Balthazar - obtained by completing daily activities
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel of Negation for cuisses
Bag of Negation Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Bog Elf
Access Scroll: Bog Elf - obtained by participating in the Luck Glow, Mirror Magic, Precious Chests events
Possible rewards:
Fragments of any perfect bezel
Any Bag of Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Christmas Tree
Access Scroll: Christmas Tree - obtained by participating in Crystalline Caves or Meridian Vaults
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel for weapons (two different types: Silvery/Jagged, three different fight styles: Hurricane/Flame/Mountain)
Bag of Fav Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Access Scroll: Edera - obtained by gathering resources
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel Chud for pauldrons
Bag of Chud Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Emperor Scorpion
Access Scroll: Emperor Scorpion - obtained by participating in Chaotic Battles
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel Mirt for bracers
Bag of Mirt Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul
Access Scroll: Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul - obtained by hunting monsters
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect B'yal for cuirass
Bag of B'yal Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Gurraldiy Korr
Access Scroll: Gurraldiy Korr - obtained by completing City Charter quests
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel of Determination for boots
Bag of Determination Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Access Scroll: Harcide - obtained by participating in the Ancient Temple of the Chosen
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel for weapons (two different types: Silvery/Jagged, three different fight styles: Hurricane/Flame/Mountain)
Bag of Fav Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Kretch Butcher
Access Scroll: Kretch Butcher - obtained by participating in battles on the Ancient Plateau, the Plateau of Silence, in Haunted Place and other disputed locations
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel Ing for chainmail
Bag of Ing Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Queen Andorvane
Access Scroll: Queen Andorvane - obtained by participating in the Tallaar's Halls
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel Mirt for bracers
Bag of Mirt Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Spider Patriarch
Access Scroll: Spider Patriarch - obtained by participating in the Arena
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel for weapons (two different types: Silvery/Jagged, three different fight styles: Hurricane/Flame/Mountain)
Bag of Fav Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Sunken Ship's Captain
Access Scroll: Captain Hagar Claw - can be obtained by killing superbeings
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel Tias for helmet
Bag of Tias Magic Stones
Commemorative coins
Access Scroll: Balthazar - obtained by completing daily activities
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel of Negation for cuisses
Bag of Negation Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Bog Elf
Access Scroll: Bog Elf - obtained by participating in the Luck Glow, Mirror Magic, Precious Chests events
Possible rewards:
Fragments of any perfect bezel
Any Bag of Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Christmas Tree
Access Scroll: Christmas Tree - obtained by participating in Crystalline Caves or Meridian Vaults
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel for weapons (two different types: Silvery/Jagged, three different fight styles: Hurricane/Flame/Mountain)
Bag of Fav Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Access Scroll: Edera - obtained by gathering resources
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel Chud for pauldrons
Bag of Chud Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Emperor Scorpion
Access Scroll: Emperor Scorpion - obtained by participating in Chaotic Battles
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel Mirt for bracers
Bag of Mirt Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul
Access Scroll: Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul - obtained by hunting monsters
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect B'yal for cuirass
Bag of B'yal Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Gurraldiy Korr
Access Scroll: Gurraldiy Korr - obtained by completing City Charter quests
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel of Determination for boots
Bag of Determination Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Access Scroll: Harcide - obtained by participating in the Ancient Temple of the Chosen
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel for weapons (two different types: Silvery/Jagged, three different fight styles: Hurricane/Flame/Mountain)
Bag of Fav Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Kretch Butcher
Access Scroll: Kretch Butcher - obtained by participating in battles on the Ancient Plateau, the Plateau of Silence, in Haunted Place and other disputed locations
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel Ing for chainmail
Bag of Ing Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Queen Andorvane
Access Scroll: Queen Andorvane - obtained by participating in the Tallaar's Halls
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel Mirt for bracers
Bag of Mirt Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Spider Patriarch
Access Scroll: Spider Patriarch - obtained by participating in the Arena
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel for weapons (two different types: Silvery/Jagged, three different fight styles: Hurricane/Flame/Mountain)
Bag of Fav Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

Sunken Ship's Captain
Access Scroll: Captain Hagar Claw - can be obtained by killing superbeings
Possible rewards:
Fragments of the perfect bezel Tias for helmet
Bag of Tias Magic Stones
Commemorative coins

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