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Sunday, January 7th 2024, 8:57pm

[GUIDE] Labyrinth (for the lazy) 8 - 10 LVL


The guide is designed for the style of homeless adherents (not for the game of the homeless, but for the style of the homeless - not to be confused!) and contains information mainly about battles with Bosses in the Labyrinth. All other information can be read in a more convenient form on the mentors’ website or in the library (with pictures, it’s beautiful). All descriptions of tactics for Bosses are given in the first part of the guide (so as not to scroll through), the rationale/tricks/preparation is at the end.


Before starting trips to the Labyrinth, it is better to have:
• Good gear
• Four Heavyweight items per level to use Sacrificial Power on Bosses.
• Alcanora
• Emerald/Purple jakaral and feed trailer
• Tuver
• Shadow with resurrection and healing
• Purple pets
• The cart of enthusiasm, because you will still get tired of going through the lab.

Before the instance itself you need to buy:
• 30 torches (Ergam Tavern)
• Available luck coins (Ergam Tavern)
• Improvisers 100pcs (Ergam Tavern)
• 7 poison scrolls
• 50 sigreds (for the entire inst)
• 2 packs of different lings.

Floors and Walls

For each floor, the HP of mobs in a wall increases by 65, so completing the last walls becomes 4.5 times longer (from 1800 to 8200 for each mob). Since the walls have an indecent amount of HP, only rich guys with a lot of cast can count on fast passage. The number of walls in the instance and the amount of HP in these walls leads us to the following tactics for passing them:

1) Elixir of Destruction is our best friend (cheap, not a pity, and helps get through AFK).
2) Slots for the walls: Elixir of Power and vampirism, a couple of Elixirs of Life and a Giant just in case.
3) Floors 1-20: Go through quickly, so it’s better to go through them while actively dealing damage.
4) 20-30 Floors: Up to these floors, alcanora and dzerug of lvl 10 are most effective.
5) Floors 30-45: If there is no alcanora, then you need to switch to the emerald jakaral, and therefore, you can start going through afk, relying on the jakaral effects (the main thing is that there are at least two of them, otherwise you will have to wait a long time or beat yourself).
6) 45-80 floors: The effectiveness of the emerald jakaral reaches its maximum, compared to any other mount of the same level.
7) 80+ floor: The walls are so thick that if you pass them with a jakaral with a small number of effects, you risk losing the battle due to the percentage damage from mobs. Therefore, we either wait for several effects of jakaral and cost afk, or we will have to deal damage ourselves.


Sunday, January 7th 2024, 8:57pm

Vision of Poisedopus
Boss Link.
[align=start]Elixir of destruction or Vial to your level.
Slots: 5 Vampire Elixire, 1 Elixir of Life, 1 Improviser.
Moroks: Not needed, it’s better not to throw Tuver (the Boss can hit with a elixir of vampire).
Tacticts: At the very beginning of the battle (and also at 7 and 17 minutes, after the Touch of Chaos , if you do not kill him) throw an improviser on yourself (it will work itself when necessary).
In battle, we look at the effects of the Boss (Preparing the Bloodsucker Strike - stand in block, otherwise - open).
•The boss heals by 20% if you stood open when you shouldn't have, so keeping a close eye on the battle will save you a lot of nerves and time.
[align=start]• After the Touch of Chaos, your HP will be lost at least, but the improviser will give protection for 3 turns, you will have time to heal with a can.


Sunday, January 7th 2024, 8:58pm

[align=start]Resurrected Shaissar

Boss Link.
Effects: [align=start]Elixir of destruction or Vial to your level.
[align=start]Slots: 2 Elixir of Blood, 2 Elixir of Life, 1 Improviser, 3 Vampire Elixir
Moroks: Roc/Grog/[/align][align=start]Shadow with resurrection
Tacticts: [/align][align=start]Deep Breath [/align][align=start]- always shoot with the help of an improviser [/align][align=start]with Shaissar. [/align][align=start]Feather Blades - [/align][align=start]wait (do not hit).

After half the HP, the Boss sometimes starts casting Hooks of Death , in which you need to immediately stand in a block and drink the Elixir of Life or summon a grog/roha/shadow.


Sunday, January 7th 2024, 9:03pm


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