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Shadow Catchers
Required level: 11

1. Hand in resources: Edera Wreath (1 pcs), Deathly Heart (3 pcs), Gloomy Shadow (100 pcs), Sinister Shadow (30 pcs) and Deadly Shadow (5 pcs). You do not have to hand in all resources at once, they can be handed in in batches.
2. Activate Braziers in Silent Cove, Azure Lagoon, Scolopendra Coast, Daigon Islands, Tentacler Valley, and defeat the custodians (same as monsters from Cloister):
Custodian of Silent Cove [11] (2117 hp)
Custodian of Azure Lagoon [12] (6422 hp)
Custodian of Scolopendra Coast [13] (6894 hp)
Custodian of Daigon Islands [14] (5072 hp)
Custodian of Tentacler Valley [15] (8210 hp)
3. Activate the Brazier in White Reef and defeat Poisedopus Shadow [15].
Fighting tactics recommendations (original post HERE):
How to kill Poseidopus:
Slots for fight: Giant, Spirit, Atshi, 3 slots life potions, 3 slot red retribution scrolls (for players with 10 slots you can add 1 DE, Punch or 1 life extra). You don't need mana!!!
Rings and Amulets: ONLY Concentration ones
Bless: Elf Spy Cloak (from collections) is a MUST for level 11-13, then I used The Blessing of the Elder, Premium Elixir of Invulnerability, Satiety V, Strong Magic Aureole, Chuuga Gift, Meat Soup, Great Blessings of the Heavens, Blinding Fury of Vertsida (I had Celebration Punch in 10th slot). In general you need Wisdom and Anger blesses that makes your casts stronger and letting you crit more. At the moment of the attack you will receive Gloomslayer Gift that will help you lots but you can't rely on it only.
Extra Spell: You will receive a Spell that you should use in the fight. Sorry that it is on russian but you can clearly understand that you have to add it.
You should use this spell when Poseidopus has 3-4 Growing Fury, or in general as long as he start to gather. He has a special Immunity that will not let you use the special cast all the time. As long as it is gone give him the kick.
Fight tactics:
You keep your arrows and retri scrolls for when he is around 70% life. Then he will start hi you double. Use only retri scrolls then and use them all the time. When he is like 30% life he will start hit you tripple, then start using arrows as well. When he is 15% (6k hp) he will start to stun you and hit you 4 times per attack. Then use also totem if you have.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:34pm)
Required level: 15

1. Hand in 100 Ranger Mastery Tokens to Hawken/Vaslav.
2. Talk to

3. Bring 433 Evil Eyes, 4600 Cuckoo Flowers and 4650 Fire Flowers to Bonna Benita/Sweet Mila.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:36pm)
Custodians of Magic
Required level: 16

1. Obtain Other Dialects Manuscript Kroffdors (40 pcs), Other Dialects Manuscript Eldives (30 pcs), Elfin Cache Manuscript (20 pcs), and Piedmont People’s Manuscript (10 pcs).
2. After handing in the manuscripts, you will be given Ivmuar Key which opens the door to one of the secret halls of the Treasury. The isntance consists of 6 parts, during each instance copy you can clear only one of them.
In each part of the instance first you will need to kill 10 [guards] (15 000 hp, they don't use any effects, but can crit 600+). After each fight an elemental particle will drop.
Shadow Elemental Guard [16] --> Element of Shadow Particle
Light Elemental Guard [16] --> Element of Light Particle
Earth Elemental Guard [16] --> Element of Earth Particle
Water Elemental Guard [16] --> Element of Water Particle
Fire Elemental Guard [16] --> Element of Fire Particle
Air Elemental Guard [16] --> Element of Air Particle
After collecting 10 particles, you will receive a key which will allow you to get to the next location.
There, you will have to kill a Magic Custodian (23 000 hp, uses Elemental Mark). After defeating the Custodian you will receive one of the ancient manuscripts revealing secrets of magic.
Shadow Magic Custodian [17] --> Shadow Magic Secret
Light Magic Custodian [17] --> Light Magic Secret
Earth Magic Custodian [17] --> Earth Magic Secret
Water Magic Custodian [17] --> Water Magic Secret
Fire Magic Custodian [17] --> Fire Magic Secret
Air Magic Custodian [17] --> Air Magic Secret
When you collect all 6 books, return to Barachmung to complete the quest.
Alternative quest: Hand in 20 Sparks of the Heavenly Fires.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:01pm)
Miuri Tao
Required level: 16
NPC: Maurin Idol (

Quest: Hand in resources: Zarlog Coin (333 pcs), Tailsime Pre-dawn Dew (333 pcs), Ritual Candle (3 pcs).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:37pm)
Required level: 16
NPC: Zarlog Idol (

Quest: Hand in resources: Maurin Coin (333 pcs), Large Battle Table (333 pcs), Ritual Candle (3 pcs).
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:38pm)
Treasure Hunters
Required level: 18

1. First you will be sent to the tavern to find the Archeologist. Two fights against bandits await you - first in the Archeologist's room in the tavern, second in

2. Obtain resources* and bring them to Avelius/Globius: Energy Crystal (15 pcs), Crystalline Coal (32 pcs), Bubbly Metal (110 pcs), Ragtikron Leather (110 pcs).
3. Using Necrocompass, find the entrance to the isntance and obtain 25 Copies of Elfin Notes.
The device will only work if you mount Dharog, use it to find the entrance to the instance (it is possible the entrance will be on enemy mainland). Creating group is requried to enter the instance. It is available for 4 hours every 20 hours. In one copy of the instance you can obtain only 1 Copy of Elfin Notes (either by collecting them in the hunt screen or by hunting mobs in the instance).
4. Hand in the Copies of Elfin Notes to Avelius/Globius. Then you will be sent to Islands of Eternal Frost, where the final battle against Dark Guard [22] awaits you.
After winning the fight, return to Avelius/Globius to complete the quest.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Sequana" (Feb 4th 2024, 9:46am)
Order of the Triads
Required level: 19

1. Hand in resources to Ulvarno: Live Spark (1000 pcs), Destruction Fluid (1000 pcs), Ancient Power Particle (1000 pcs).
2. Hand in Absolute Secrecy of the Chosen Tablet (14 pcs) to Barachmung.
Then, in a fight against a Superbeing whose level is no more than 1 below your group level, heal an ally for at least 22000 hp.
3. Bring Asseliander 326 Triads.
Then defeat a Superbeing in Elvin Sanctuary or Fatal Crossroads while under the effect of Deathly Cold. The Superbeing's level cannot be more than 1 below yours and you need to inflict at least 10000 damage points in the fight. Asseliander can refresh Deathly Cold if needed.
4. Defeat Nigilatt [22].
After the fight return to Ulvarno to finish the quest.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:43pm)
Vision Interpreters
Required level: 19
NPC: The Faceless (

1. Find runic symbols in the locations in Meridian Vaults (one of the symbols in the location screen will be clickable):
a. in Lavender Halls
b. in Green Halls
c. in Red Halls
2. Gain victory in Meridian Vaults 12 times.
3. Lead your team to victory in the Vaults 18 times, by bringing enemy's flag to your camp and not allowing the enemy to capture your team's flag. Anyone in your team can capture the flag for the quest progression, as long as the enemy team does not capture.
4. Hand in Blinding Twilight Rune, 4 Sparks of the Heavenly Fires and 5 Ritual Candles to the Faceless.
You will receive Empty Stone of Hatred, which has to be charged by killing 3 enemies in the Meridian Vaults (it is required to kill the 3 enemies during one battlefield).
Repeat obtaining and charging the stone (handing in resources and killing enemies) 5 times.
5. Use the 5 charged stones in Meridian Vaults in the following locations: Zarlog Camp, Lavender Halls, Green Halls, Red Halls, Maurin Camp.

6. Kill Crazed Maurin [1] (14372 hp, doesn't use any special skills) in

Talk to

After defeating the last Maurin, set a trap for zarlog: enter the location from Templarville/Flezendole, then talk to The Faceless to complete the quest.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:45pm)
Fighters against Shiass
Required level: 20
NPC: Altar of Shaat-has (

1. Kill 15 scorpolions and bring to the altar 15 Defiled Scorpolion Scales.
2. Study the Seventh Shiass Thesaurus.
3. Bring

4. Talk to Jewelers

5. Hand in Large Shiass Fragment (25 pcs), Inextinguishable Fire of Purification Bowl (25 pcs), Evil Eye (1000 pcs), and Colossus’s Heart Fragment (700 pcs) to

6. Talk to Kari. The girl will ask for a Daigon Armakhton Shell Fragment, Essvesh Scolopendra Spike, Shevass Nepherto Flower, Mohgar Cerebhound Plate, Gershess Droolizard Fang, Argash Kretch Claw, and Shaissar Roc Feather.
7. Enter Abyss of Despair and kill Scorpolion Matriarch Mezshed [20] (it can also be summoned with Eshu Followers deck).
8. Bring the received Mezshed Scorpolion Tail to Kari, then return to the Altar to complete the quest.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 10:49pm)
Tailsime Protectors
Required level: 20

1. Obtain Pitch Darkness Aura (2 pcs).
2. Obtain Massive Sparkling Crystal (4 pcs) and Colossus's Heart Fragment (536 pcs).
3. Obtain Mountain Tears (63 pcs), Spider Egg (28 pcs), Rock Devourer Root (4 pcs).
4. Defeat Eshu's Shadow [20] (133333 hp - the fight is possible after 4 am the next day).
After the fight return to Lea Miu/Tiu Mia to complete the quest.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "-Sana-" (Dec 12th 2024, 7:20pm)
Tomb Raiders
Required level: 20

1. Bring Ortego/Fergus a complete set of Wolfer Wing Chess and 150 Colossus's Heart Fragments.
2. Hand in 633 Emerald Scales and 500 Triads.
3. Defeat Mentor [19] and Skull hunter [20] in the Forbidden City (it doesn't matter in what order you kill them). Then defeat the new Skull Hunter [20], similar to the regular one.
4. Find a passage to Shadzhi cages in the Armoury (Mentor's location - no need to kill the boss) of the Forbidden City. Release all the Shadzhi without getting caught by the guard.

A mini-instance will open after clicking on a floor tile under a shield in the corner of the room. There you will need to open 6 cages, releasing captured Shadzhi. Your should avoid the guard - make sure to check chat messages and options on the location list on the right-hand side of the location screen for the hints.
5. When you release all the Shadzhi, return to Ortego/Fergus, who will then ask you for 500 Sacks of Food.
6. Hand in 2 Massive Sparkling Crystals and 112 Crystalline Coals to Fiosso/Ishshur.
7. Go to the Forbidden City again, click on the writings on the wall in the last location of Warrior Tunnel (left-hand side of the location screen in the location before Mentor's room).
8. Talk to Ortego/Fergus, then to Orfin/Arnica. There you will have a choice: hand in either 300g or 150g, 500 Fire Flowers and 2000 Sacks of Food.
9. Next day (no earlier than 5 am) go to Orfin/Arnica to collect Shadzhi Amulet. Then talk to Ortego/Fergus to complete the quest.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 9:58pm)
Mystic Reputation
Required level: 11
NPC: Kari (

1. Hand in resources to Kari:
- 500 Bubbly Metal, 250 Ragtikron Leather, 250 Leather Scraps
- 15 Weetsa the Woodlouse (maximum you can obtain is 12, but they can be put into the repository in estate, they can also be traded)
- 3000 of each of the the following resources:
- Stones: Korganite, Armedian, Smaraglis
- Plants: Intoxicating Araque, Meadow Glowpetal, Pink Irvis
- Fish: Ringed Toadfish, Striped Anglefish, Striped Gildfish
2. Kill 5 specific superbeings in the correct order, which you have to figure out based on a description. This could be Fazgrod, Bog Elf, Spider Patriarch, Emperor Scorpion, Queen Andorvane, Captain Hagar Claw, Harcide, Gurraldiy Korr, possibly also other superbeings.
3. Win a fight against 3 Nephertoes [11] in

4. Bring Kari: Gnome Coin 5000 pcs, Imp Combo-Cube 200 pcs, Demon Combo-Cube 200 pcs, Devil Combo-Cube 200 pcs, Old Fossil 2000 pcs.
To make the Bracelet afterwards, you will need 2500 Gnome Coins, 100 of each type of Combo-Cubes, and 1000 Old Fossils.
This post has been edited 7 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Aug 31st 2022, 9:48pm)
Labyrinth Explorers Part 1
Required level: 11

1. Talk to Shiko and then to

2. Bring

3. Bring Spark of the Heavenly Fires 20 pcs, Gloomy Shadow 200 pcs, and Incarnum or Centrido 1000 pcs.
Then the mage will ask for The Treasure Keeper’s Staff, and Monster’s Heart 200 pcs. The Treasure Keeper’s Staff can be obtained by killing Supervisor [11]

4. Take the Awakened Godslayer to Confessor Emiria. She will then ask you to kill the Cursed Queen Celeste [1]

Attention: after completing this goal, you will no longer be able to change the ending of the quest.
If you examine the bench in the Cathedral of Dawn, you can choose a different ending. Requires achievement Wait and Listen.

Ending "Liberation"
Kill the Cursed Queen Celeste [1]

After defeating Celeste, click 'Use' on the Awakened Godslayer in your backpack. Return to the Confessor.
Rewards: Medal of Worship, achievement An end to tyranny, a thematic image:

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "x Rorschach x" (Nov 22nd 2023, 9:10pm)
Labyrinth Explorers Part 2
After clicking on the bench, you will receive a Mysterious Note. Show it to Lady Mary.
Attention: after completing this dialogue, you will no longer be able to change the ending of the quest.
Go to the Labyrinth, kill the Cursed Queen Celeste [1]

A dialogue with Flynn will start. After that go and speak to Emiria, then to Flynn again to finish the quest.
Rewards: Medal of Worship, achievement Can't save them all, a thematic image:

Ending "Atonement"
After clicking on the bench, you will receive a Mysterious Note. Show it to Lady Mary.
Attention: after completing this dialogue, you will no longer be able to change the ending of the quest.
Go to the Labyrinth, kill the Cursed Queen Celeste [1]

A dialogue with Flynn will start. Then talk to Erimia, Flynn, and Erimia again, who will send you to Chronicler Gelamber.
This part requires Friends Forever achievement.
Use The Chronicler’s Ring. Then go to the Labyrinth and kill the Queen again. Flynn will fight on your side. After the fight, use the Awakened Godslayer.
Talk to Lady Mary, then to Chronicler Gelamber, and finally to the Confessor, to complete the quest.
Rewards: Medal of Worship, achievement New Dawn, a thematic image:

After completing the Worship quest, you will be able to receive Fragment of the Royal Crown by killing Celeste. When you combine 4 of those fragments into The crown of the ruler of Ergam, quest Just a page in the Chronicles will start. This quest will allow you to obtain style jewellery set (please scroll to the bottom of the Library page to see the jewellery). This quest requires Friends Forever achievement and can be completed 3 times. Depending on the dialogue option you choose, you will receive a different set of the jewellery and an achievement.
After completing all three options in the quest, fragments of mirrors will begin to drop from bosses and chests in the Labyrinth. Combining 100 fragments will give you a mirror, which will let you start another ending of the Worship quest. You will only receive fragments of mirrors which can be used to start the endings you have not yet passed.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Sep 6th 2022, 2:09pm)
Arbiters of Fate
Required level: 5

1. Go to the Battlefield in the Caves of Year 386. Carry out a Legendary Mission. Obtain Crystalline Coal and hide it in a cache at your base (the cache will appear after you have obtained a piece of coal, which can be received with a low probability while dropping crystals back at base). Return to the Firstborn.
2. Bring the following materials to the Firstborn: Topaz Dust 10000 pcs, Emerald Dust 10000 pcs, Ruby Dust 10000 pcs, Efril 250 pcs, and Crystalline Coal 250 pcs.
Then talk to the Firstborn (note: the quest references gates of time - that can be found by talking to the NPC, no need to reenter battlefield for those stages).
3. Deliver 3 of each Combo-Cubes to

4. Return to the Firstborn. Bring him Victim’s essence 1500 pcs, Evil Eye 250 pcs, Idalle 50 pcs, Quicksilver 15000 pcs, and Ragtikron Leather 500 pcs.
Then, when the quest references gates of time, talk to the Firstborn - again, no need to enter the battlefield.
4. Go to the CC386 and search the 3 halls with crystals to find the Old Staff of the Firstborn. Hide the staff in the cache in your base and then talk to the Firstborn to retrieve it.
5. In order to create Rough Staff of the Firstborn bring to

6. Talk to Lady Guinevere and protect her when she will be performing the ritual of transfering the magical power to the new Staff of the Firstborn (3 waves of monsters to defeat). Talk to the Firstborn to hide the staff in the cache in the Crystalline Caves of Year 385 (again - just talk to the NPC).
7. By killing guards in the enemy base during the Battle in the Caves, year 386, charge the Staff of the Firstborn.
Each enemy guard kill charges the staff by 2% and it can only be completed during the Magical storm in the Ancient Battlefields event (guards have 50k hp, so you need the Archer set to kill them).
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Sep 16th 2022, 1:26pm)
Astral Hunters
Required level: 19

1. Defeat in battle 50 Otherworld Elementals [17]. The fight will start immediately after the end of the dialogue with the Architect.
2. Kill Astral Projection of Butcher [15]


- Hand in Elemental Amalgamation 1000 pcs. and Energy Crystal 150 pcs.
- Hand in Pearl Gem 100 pcs. and Energy Crystal 150 pcs.
- Hand in Bone Dragon's Ashes and Energy Crystal 150 pcs.
- Hand in Valuable Gnome Coin 25 pcs. and Energy Crystal 150 pcs.
- Fully charge the statue of Harcide in the Astral Range by obtaining Essence of Astral Harcide (drops from Astral Projection of Harcide [13]
). Each kill charges the statue by 25%.
- Fully charge the statue of Gurraldiy Korr in the Astral Range by obtaining Essence of Astral Gurraldiy Korr (drops from Astral Projection of Korr [14]
). Each kill charges the statue by 25%.
- Fully charge the statue of Bog Elf in the Astral Range by obtaining Essence of Astral Bog Elf (drops from Astral Projection of Bog Elf [16]
). Each kill charges the statue by 25%.
- Fully charge the statue of Spider Patriarch in the Astral Range by obtaining Essence of Astral Spider Patriarch (drops from Astral Projection of Spider Patriarch [17]
). Each kill charges the statue by 25%.
- Fully charge the statue of Emperor Scorpion in the Astral Range by obtaining Essence of Astral Scorpion Emperor (drops from Scorpion King Astral Projection [18]
). Each kill charges the statue by 25%.
- Fully charge the statue of Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul in the Astral Range by obtaining Essence of Astral Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul (drops from Astral Projection of Fazgrod Resurrected Ghoul [19]
). Each kill charges the statue by 25%.
4. When all the statues are charged, the Architect will give you Astral Projector - Defender of the Astral Range and ask you to get Essence of the Defender of the Astral Range. If you lose the battle, you can purchase a new projector from the Astral Hunters shop for

Defender of the Astral Range [20]

After winning the fight, return to the Architect to complete the quest. The key will not be removed and you can continue to visit the instance every 24 hours for 3 hours. Defender of the Astral Range [20]

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "rubecula" (Sep 6th 2022, 2:04pm)
Defender Reputation
Required level: 11
NPC: Warlord of your race
1. Show the Invader's head to warlord Damirus at the Arena.
2. Give the Summoning leaflets to five warriors.
3. Return to the warlord Damirus at Arena.
4. Slay three warriors of the opposing race. You can only complete this mission in locations where there are guards of your race.
Return to the warlord Damirus at Arena.
5. Bring 50 scalps of your slain foes to Damirus the warlord at Arena.
Go to Arnabag the Mage at Barrow of Sadness and talk to him about the miraculous sentinel.
6. Bring 500 Evil Eye, 3000 A Rare Fossil, 200 Leather Scraps, 400 Gloomy Shadow, Researcher’s Helmet , Compass of Animal Magnetism and Seeker’s Staff to
Khorsungum the Mage at

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