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@ Monte
09:04 Yvil: Don't forget the newsletter contest. Tomorrow is the last day to win a awesome Assassin's Battle Axe. If you do not get the newsletter just follow this link
09:08 Yvil: Here you can read the latest newsletter and its contest.…?obj=cat&id=103 Good Luck!
14:46 Yvil: We launched a awesome new forum!! Check it out:…_new_forum.html
14:42 Yvil: New competition out now:…ompetition.html Check it!
09:04 Yvil: Don't forget the newsletter contest. Tomorrow is the last day to win a awesome Assassin's Battle Axe. If you do not get the newsletter just follow this link
09:08 Yvil: Here you can read the latest newsletter and its contest.…?obj=cat&id=103 Good Luck!
14:46 Yvil: We launched a awesome new forum!! Check it out:…_new_forum.html

14:42 Yvil: New competition out now:…ompetition.html Check it!