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Human 21 Imps
Guys we need to really talk about 21 hunting....idk how we got so far off course. THE RULES I THOUGHT was always to hunt 2 hrs MAX on 21s for 1 individual player unless others do not want to hunt them, then they can continue. ITS NOT supposed to be 2 hrs then 2 hrs again and so on....1 player 2 hr max then new player gets SO ALL have a chance to hunt 21s i WRITE this about my own clan too!!! WE DO NOT hog 21s....if this is the case then i guess we need to go to war again because this makes it unfair to other clans. WE cannot have people continuously hunting 21s. I THINK we also need to ban hunting invis on 21s so players cannot cheat and sneak in a few extra hours of hunt on them. AND it was only 2 hrs if u had red ocean otherwise it was only 1 hr and then u let others come in, if u have been hunting 21s for 1-2 hrs previously and others want to hunt them, you should step down and hunt 20s or 19s unless that player is okay with u finishing on 21s.....THINGS HAVE GOT to change lets discuss here

Also id like to add that i think you should not be able to que if ur not in game aka via discord...this is unfair to those who maybe do not have discord. AND its unfair to keep repeat of same clan hunting so i think maybe we need come up with something for a limit or something because rn...seems other clans not get chance
ore jast kill bicose he came faster from choatics and start hunt21 <img src="" align="absmiddle" title="Chosen by Gods" /> martin_791 [20] <img src="" align="absmiddle" />
@ MP, he means this player and saying he was exe for hunting 21s after chaotic one day. this was weeks ago but good to know so we can not have issues like this in future
Hi Guys,
Most important is in my eyes to be fair again others.
i guess a lot of lvl 20 are interested to hunt impas.
And as we all know these will be more and more.
- Red ocean and/or red Ergam is no reason to hunt 2 hrs impas. The 2 nd hours can every one can easily kill 19 or 20 alkas
- don't hunt impas invis or be so fair and reply who you are and how long you hunt
- The system with the queue is ok, but the following player should not be from the same clan.
It will be difficult to control it,
Each one who breaks the rules should be banned to hunt impas for a while. F. e. 1st issue 1 day
2nd issue a longer time upto max 1 week.
we all know to be a selfish and egoism is a part of human nature. But this is a game and we all want to play without stress and trouble. This we have more than enough on work and real life i guess.
Most important is in my eyes to be fair again others.
i guess a lot of lvl 20 are interested to hunt impas.
And as we all know these will be more and more.
- Red ocean and/or red Ergam is no reason to hunt 2 hrs impas. The 2 nd hours can every one can easily kill 19 or 20 alkas
- don't hunt impas invis or be so fair and reply who you are and how long you hunt
- The system with the queue is ok, but the following player should not be from the same clan.
It will be difficult to control it,
Each one who breaks the rules should be banned to hunt impas for a while. F. e. 1st issue 1 day
2nd issue a longer time upto max 1 week.
we all know to be a selfish and egoism is a part of human nature. But this is a game and we all want to play without stress and trouble. This we have more than enough on work and real life i guess.
SO far, i think new system we will try is as follow:
Can hunt 2 hrs if u have red ocean or purple book, but no more then 2 hrs if others are waiting in que to hunt.
Clans should not double hunt, so cannot be BL,BL should be like BL, ID or other clans that want to hunt.
You will not hunt invis, this helps to make sure lvl 19s are not on imps and other clans are not sneaking in extra hunt time.
Cannot que for imps unless in game and cannot hold spots for clan members.
Obviously if imps are not being hunted then you can say in main chat u expect to hunt 21s and see if anyone else plans to start hunt...
Can hunt 2 hrs if u have red ocean or purple book, but no more then 2 hrs if others are waiting in que to hunt.
Clans should not double hunt, so cannot be BL,BL should be like BL, ID or other clans that want to hunt.
You will not hunt invis, this helps to make sure lvl 19s are not on imps and other clans are not sneaking in extra hunt time.
Cannot que for imps unless in game and cannot hold spots for clan members.
Obviously if imps are not being hunted then you can say in main chat u expect to hunt 21s and see if anyone else plans to start hunt...
Hi All,
I'm imressed how good effects did the war bring
wih respect for all.
Yes, there are 20's in other clans capable of killing Imps in 20-30s max.
If I may suggest:
1. Hunt max 1 hour - 2hr blesses can be used on other mobs as well, money isn't that bad
2. Hunt only on MAX (or almost
) blesses - decks are 2hr/week then this is the limit. Got sands, good for you, it makes 4hr total from time to time. (diggresion: sitting on Imps on a random kill time 50-60 sec is a bit disrespectful for others)
3. This is maybe a general opinion - respect others, if you see few people already hunting don't bless yourself or go to a different location. Fighting for mobs during hunting is extremely stupid. This game should bring fun for all, don't make it harder for others
I believe that 2nd is most important, that will definitely give an opportunity for others to hunt. especially that more 20s will come at some point and game designers still believe that Imps are so unique that their number won't increase
I'm imressed how good effects did the war bring

Yes, there are 20's in other clans capable of killing Imps in 20-30s max.
If I may suggest:
1. Hunt max 1 hour - 2hr blesses can be used on other mobs as well, money isn't that bad
2. Hunt only on MAX (or almost

3. This is maybe a general opinion - respect others, if you see few people already hunting don't bless yourself or go to a different location. Fighting for mobs during hunting is extremely stupid. This game should bring fun for all, don't make it harder for others

I believe that 2nd is most important, that will definitely give an opportunity for others to hunt. especially that more 20s will come at some point and game designers still believe that Imps are so unique that their number won't increase

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