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Wednesday, October 30th 2024, 12:35pm

Addicional Languages in game


I make a great request, and at the same time with the hope that another default language will be introduced into the game ( I mean Polish, but not only such as Turkish, etc ) than the one from the server De and Com ( German/English ).

After the elimination of all the servers that were ( German, Polish, Turkish, Italian Spanish, etc. etc. ) we were ,,, forcibly ,, assigned to one common COM server.

Why, then, is there favoritism for German and English in terms of translations of the game, descriptions of items/characters/missions/all written text related to the game, and the rest of the languages are pounced upon?

Since we're going by this line of reasoning, it should be possible to change the language to the one we want. The vast majority of the server players here are Poles, Turks, Spaniards, etc., why should we not fully enjoy the game ?

Not everyone can speak English or German ( and sometimes even Russian will get on the server ) and would like to enjoy the game with their native language.

In the survey tab we have the ability to change the language, but so what if it doesn't do much, because the news are not updated and thus the game sometimes bugs and does not work properly (such as the functionality associated with the summary of the drops from battles because it only works in English - this is a function in the game client, “dwarium”). In the latest addition to the game client , “dwarium,” was added, not sure why the Russian language - this is a super step, because we break out of the only two main languages I mentioned earlier, but I think that in the scale of % players, Russian-speaking is much less compared to other languages.

In conclusion I kindly ask the administration to cast a favorable eye on this matter. Even if there was a problem with the translator, I think that on the scale of the game there would be more than one person willing to help with translation or whatever ^^

Please, no hectoring. Post set up to point out the scale of the problem, not to provoke discussion or unnecessary toxicity ^^

Thank you and regards _Soul Reaper_.

Posts: 197

Location: My cat's heart

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Thursday, October 31st 2024, 12:47pm

The official languages of the game are English and German.

The project stopped formal services of other languages in the game after the merge of servers. At this point, you were prompted to review and sign acceptance of the Game Rules and EULA , hence agreeing to follow the rules set out by the project. As such, the Game Rules state that you must only post in English or German in public chats.

The project is within its right to support certain features based on its business needs and capability. Therefore, this is not a breach of European Law.

Have a good game!
Magmar Guard Magmar Mentor


Please feel free to ask kitty questions about the game! :love: