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Architect Trials 17th Anniversary Guide (by -Lilah-)
The Architect's Trials are here!

Warriors! Are you ready for the new, thrilling 18 tasks brought to you by the Architect? If you don't feel ready, don't worry! Your Mentors are here to provide the answers. Follow this guide and see for yourself:

Warriors! Are you ready for the new, thrilling 18 tasks brought to you by the Architect? If you don't feel ready, don't worry! Your Mentors are here to provide the answers. Follow this guide and see for yourself:
NOTE: Architect's quests for the 17th anniversary have only 17 achievements. The Quest with the Deep Sea Shell has been removed.
During this event you will be rewarded with chests for each milestone you achieved. The more challenges you overvome, the better reward you will receive!

*Please note! You can participate in the event and receive chests even if you are not a member of any clan!
But that is not all of the rewards that are awaiting you. If you purchase a special Relic of the Architect, you will be guaranteed to receive even more goods! You can purchase this magical item in the Premium Store of our Bank, "Promotions" section.

Before we continue to the tasks, remember! You can track the progress of your tasks in Character > Achievements > Architect's Challenges tab.
The list of tasks:

What you need to do:
By selecting: Character > Events > Activities Tab you have to manage to complete as many activities as you can in order to collect the necessary ingredients:

Then bring them to Sheara.

What you need to do:
Quest must be started by accessing a dialogue at Ostap (Daylight Square) / Soygura (Square of Fire).
You will be required to bring them following resources:

After bringing the resources to the Craftsman, you will receive the Wingplane:

What you need to do:
Bring 10 inflated toads along with 1 gold to the Jewelers Esmeril/Korundum (Guild of Artisans). You will receive a Garland which you have to bring to the Elder Baguron/Verkiriy.

*Please note: You can find toads in Hunt Mode when you're in Bog Elf Swamp, entrance to Korr's Cave or Temple of Water and gather them there. They will appear on water just like purple fish.
**Please note: You can inflate toads even on level under 8
***Please note: Swamp toads can also be traded, bought via auction/exchange or purchased in the Fortune Hunters Shop in the Tavern with help of 50 Fortune Tokens.

This post has been edited 6 times, last edit by "Pearlie" (Oct 31st 2024, 3:05pm)

What you need to do:
Please note: You might have to deal at least 50% of the damage to an enemy and win a battle in order to receive their ear!
Drops: on chaotics, at the arena, on the hand of the sky, in enemy locations (not all), with some probability completing the quest "Air battles".Failed to knock out: In the Meridian Vaults.

What you need to know:
These scrolls can be crafted by other players with Sorcerer profession, you can buy them via auction/exchange.

What you need to do:

Bring the necklace to Fanatic Izuver in the Bringers of Evil Den.
Note: Eyes have to be obtained from fight NOT bought

What you need to do:
Head to the Bog Elf Swamp instance and kill him. Upon killing the superbeing, there will be an option to "Plant the flower" on the right Locations Menu.
Note: During the event, the entrance to the Bogelf Swamp instance is available from level 3.
Note: only one of the instance participants can plant a flower, so either go solo or with someone who does not need this quest)
Note: It is not necessary to kill. The main thing is to have Swamp Heart Flower in your backpack .)

What you need to do:
Attend Chaotic Battles as usual but before each remove both: Helmet and Boots, as well as style ones!
You have to repeat it 17 times.
*Please note: After each Chaotic Battle you should get an update message in the chat with your current task's progress.
Note: You can fight in full gear, and remove the helmet and boots after the fight and wait for it to end. It is notnecessary to win.
Important ! If you left the fight and got dressed, e.g. you get dressed at the end of the fight, then this fight will not count for this achievement (!)

The outlaw will sell different amounts of candles each day.
The first 5 candles are available on Monday.
The next 6 candles are available on Tuesday.
3 candles are available on Wednesday.
2 candles are available on Thursday.
2 candles are available on Friday info from ru if you cant find candles in swindlers shop

What you need to do:
Combine a Swamp Toad, Gurraldiy Korr's Slime, Scorpion Bile, Fire Flower and a Cuckoo Flower in an Elt Cube:

As a result you will aquire a potion that will leave you with a Nausea effect:

What you need to do:
Combine 17 copper 17th Anniversary Coins in an Elt Cube. You will receive a following coin:

What you need to do:
Go to your City Square/Square of Fire and sacrifice Sweet Honeyfruit by choosing a corresponding option from the Locations Menu on the right.
*Please note: You will have to use a few, could be +/- 9 pcs.

What you need to do:
You can find Weetsa the Woodlice in Hiding Stashes, in the wooden box in Dead Cove and also in a well located in Sleepy Valley (recommended).
Once you receive the Overgrown Woodlouse you will have to use it in backpack which will start a battle.

What you need to know before fighting it:
1. You should be using block (the worm will be losing 3% of its life every turn)

2. There will be a Genie fighting alongside with you. (Not sure about that part yet, might edit later)
3. You might need some Scrolls of Purification/Arrows to remove Woodlouse's healing every turn:

TIP: Use agudar wriath he takes off healing

What you need to do:
While gathering resources collect 17 postcards and hand them to the following NPCs:
*Please note that for players of lower level Aquazurion was replaced with Furratsy the Pixie / Salamander Elderving.
**Please note that Mystras resources do not count for the task!
Humans: Aquazurion, Archivist Seimelu, Gredeya the Witch, Warlord Damirus, Fanatic Izuver, Cleric Samuel, Voluptuous Mary, Ikvan the Peasant, Sweet Mila, Gloum the Swindler, Nadilarie, Arnica, Necromancer, Norak the Virtuous, Marietta the Merry, Ostap the Craftsman, Sorena the Mermaid, Elder Baguron
Magmars: Aquazurion, Bonna Benita, Brugilda the Sorceress, Sheamus the Joker, Warlord Gidver, Chigrik the Thief, Budugri the Archivist, Givens, Fanatic Izuver, Soygura, Pymen the Monk, Norak the Virtuous, Koeshu the Necromancer, Ploughman Tadeuz, Jolly Magdalen, Elder Verkiry, Orfin the Beastmaster, Maeli the Mermaid

What you need to do:
Go to the Sunken Ship instance and don't forget the flask! Kill Captain and obtain Dead Rum.
Then leave the ship and head to the Ships Graveyard, where you have to use the Dead Rum from your backpack. You will be attacked by a Drunk Korr (it will be as strong as the Union of Constellations event one!)
*Please note: For levels below 6 there will be an alternate way where you can buy the rum and use it around Korr area (?). - To be updated
CHANGE into the armor in which we kill on land(our main set)!

What you need to do:
Combine following ingredients in Elt Cube to create each of the following bouquets:

This post has been edited 13 times, last edit by "Pearlie" (Nov 2nd 2024, 5:21pm)
I wonder if there are some other conditions. I just did a chaotic with no boots or helm (armour or style) equipped. We won, but no point :-(
If you removed them before joining the battle, died, left the battle and equipped them before the fight ended, it doesn't count. Also, there is a known issue with the counter, so if you did everything correct but didn't get a message, then don't worry, it is counted but not shown as text on your chat. The next time, you will get a message showing both of the points counted.
Have a nice day!
Keep calm, I'm a