[Guide] Stellar Storm Season + Mirrow in Turmoil Battle Pass guide (English)
Battle Pass: Stellar Storm Season + Mirrow in Turmoil!
1) Purchasing a Pass:
- If you want to receive rewards from the new Battle Passes - first you need to buy them in a special Battle Pass tab in Premium Shop.
Basic Pass = 100g

- Additionally - in order to receive better and more prizes, you can purchase a Premium Pass for diamonds or for dollars in Bank.
Premium Pass = 50d or 25$
Please note: The offer is time-limited and it will not be there forever!

2) Toggling between Passes:
- There are 2 different passes simultaneousy - that means that there are 2 separate Battle Passes: 1) Stellar Storm Season Pass ; 2) Mirror in Turmoil Pass.
They have separate counters, separate tasks, separate progressions and rewards!
You can toggle between them by pressing a corresponding red button on top:
- Rewards for the Golden Pass (The basic one) are displayed in the left row and the Premium Pass (the extra ones) can be found in the right row.
Please note that if you've claimed the Golden Pass rewards already, once you purchase the Premium Pass, all remaining rewards will also belong to you, they will just become "unlocked".
- How to claim your rewards? It's simple just remember to press this big red button:
- Upon obtaining any of the Battle Passes, you will be able to unlock rewards without necessarily progressing by doing tasks but to skip these steps you will have to pay 10 diamonds.
3) Stellar Storm Season Pass

Each completed daily task = 25 pts. of progress.
Each completed weekly task = 100 pts. of progress.
For each 100 pts. you can claim another reward.
After receiving all available rewards from the pass, the progression bar will be filled with 10500 points all
Golden Pass owners will be able to claim additional prize for
each 200 pts. of progression:
Please note: If you only own a Premium Pass, this option will not be available to you. You need to own Golden Pass for it.
Daily tasks will be resetting along with Server's reset time. (Used to be 04:00 but right now it should be 03:00 server time - it might change).
Weekly tasks will be updated every Monday along with Server's reset time. (Used to be 04:00 but right now it should be 03:00 server time - it might change).
Daily Tasks:
- Gathering Resources (50 pcs., Mystras resources count!)
- Kill any Superbeing 0/1
- Complete an Activity 0/1
- Fight on any Battlefield 0/1
- Search a Hiding Stash 0/1 (Fay Go - Haunted Place, Underwater - Ship Graveyard, Mystras - White brick, Plateau of Silence - Ruined tower)
- Killing Monsters 0/50 (whose level is not lower than your by more than 1)
Weekly Tasks:
- Open a Weekly Chest 0/3 (Go to Events > Weekly)
- Find a Crystal Pearl 0/1 (Keep opening Deep Sea Shells by using them in your backpack until you find a red gift) Please note: The drop rate is totally random, can be dropped after 5 shells, can be dropped after 80 shells. There's no rule.
- Participation in a Magic Storm on battlefields 0/2
- Participation in Chaotic Battles 0/3
4) Mirrow in Turmoil Pass

Receiving rewards during Mirrow in Turmoil will grant you
65 pts. each. These seasonal tasks are
being reset every week! Whole list of seasonal tasks from the past can be reviewed by right-clicking on your character's name in Locations list and choosing the
"Pass Quests" option. Some of the seasonal quests from the past will still be able to be passed and you will be able to receive rewards from them!
Completing optional mythic tasks will grant you 500 progression points:

For each 100 pts. you will be able to claim rewards.
When all available rewards will be unlocked and your progression bar will show 18 000 points - owners of the Gold Pass will be able to collect rewards for each earned 200 pts. of progression. 
Your seasonal tasks (for now, to be updated when they refresh):
- Create a Bracelet of Friendship - you can do it in Collections > Bracelets of Friendship (please refer to this guide .
- Complete Architect Trials 0/1
- Complete Architect Trials 0/3
- Open any gift received from an NPC in exchange for your Bracelet of Friendship 0/1
- Complete a daily tasks from the Gnomes of Celestial Valley 0/1
- Receive gifts from the Festival Organizer 0/1
- Join a Chaotic Battle 0/3
- Receive a gift from a god 0/5 (Event: Secrets of the Three, if you chose Aladeya - Gather resources, if Dragons - hunt monsters, if God of the Dead - Kill enemies in PvP battles). Each reward from performing these tasks will count towards the progress.
- Receive a gift from a god 0/10 (as above)
- Take an Oath 0/1 (Event: Secrets of the Three - Choose your Patron, you can change it every 5 days), you can find more info about Secrets of the Three in this guide: [Guide] [EN] Secrets of the Three FAQ
- Play the Wheel of Fortune 0/1 (Bank > Premium - you will have to exchange 10 diamonds for 10g in order to spin)
- Open the Bag of Scalps 0/2 (You can get it from the battle pass or you can exchange a Bracelet of Friendship with Burz / Kabur to find a bag of scalps in a gift from them)
- Fight on any battlefield 0/3