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Sunday, November 10th 2024, 3:39am

[Guide] [EN] Secrets of the Three FAQ

Secrets of the Three

Warrior, who will you choose? The nature and fertility Goddess Aladeya, mighty Great Dragons or the horrifying God of the Cursed and Dead? The choice is yours and the Mentors Team is here to help you with this choice, based on the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

1. Which patron should I choose?
Well it depends. If you spend most of your time gathering resources then you should definitely go for Goddess Aladeya. If you love hunting, killing monsters and superbeings - then you should definitely choose the Great Dragon. However, if you're more into PvP and scalping your enemies on the battlefields - then the God of the Cursed and the Dead might be perfect for you!

2. Where to find their Altars?
Goddess Aladeya (Altar of Life) - Berona Ranges Canyon of Immortality

God of the Cursed and the Dead (Altar of Darkness) - Vassals' Tombs Forgotten Graves

The Great Dragons (Altar of Dragon) - Foothills Hell's Pass

3. Can I switch to another patron?
The answer is: YES, after 5 days of choosing your first one - so as long as one of these effects display on your profile you can't switch it:
Aladeya's Worship
Great Dragon's Worship
God of the Cursed and the Dead Worship

4. I have to look for the Phoenix Feather but I don't know where to go and what to do.
You got Rubbish from the Altar. Here's what to do with it:
Bring it to Sorena the Mermaid (Lumirya Waterfalls) Maeli the Mermaid (Sly Cove)
You got Sewing Kit, bring it to Gredeya the Witch (Wild Forest) Brugilda the Sorceress (Village of Maettro)
You got Steel Pitchfork, bring it to Ikvan the Peasant (Windmills) Ploughman Tadeuz (Sly Cove)
You got Bag of Flour, bring it to Mary (Mary's Tavern) Givens (Gurraldiy's Head Pub)
You got a Pig, bring it to Ostap (Daylight Square) Soygura (Square of Fire)
You got a Sword, bring it to Warlord Damirus (Arena) Warlord Gidver (Arena)
You got Armor, bring it to Gloum the Swindler (Barrow of Sadness) Chigrik the Thief (Glade of Dreams)
You got a Magic Crystal, bring it to Necromancer (Vassals' Tombs) Occultist Koeshu (Clan Burial Grounds)
You got the Phoenix Feather! Bring it back to the Altar of Life!

5. What to do with the Dragon's cat? (You can find a link to Kenny guide below)
Secret's of the Three - Dragon Tasks

*List of possible drops from offerings:

02:45 The gods have bestow you with a small gift! Dragon Gift Amulet 1 pcs
03:40 You receive 1 additional sip for your Tincture of Inner Vision I!
02:47 The gods have bestow you with a small gift! Cardsharper's giant elixir 10 pcs
04:01 The gods have bestow you with a small gift! Precious Forged Coffer 1 pcs
04:13 The gods have bestow you with a small gift! Small Elixir of Invincibility 1 pcs
04:19 The gods have bestow you with a small gift! Weakness Poison 3 pcs
04:23 The gods have bestow you with a small gift! Chaos Elixir of Tnaig 1 pcs

6. What do I have to do in Aladeya's second quest?
After receiving the quest, you must collect resources until you get 12 words from her (words are showing in chat, it's random). The words can be repeated, but you still have to get different ones.

23:17 *You hear someone's voice. It says:* mal
23:21 *You hear someone's voice. It says:* vanwie
23:22 *You hear someone's voice. It says:* sorrow
23:25 *You hear someone's voice. It says:* hae
23:26 *You hear someone's voice. It says:* sleepless
23:29 *You hear someone's voice. It says:* burying
00:24 *You hear someone's voice. It says:* мelancholime
00:32 *You hear someone's voice. It says:* móna
00:55 *You hear someone's voice. It says:* nature's
18:03 Вы слышите чей-то голос. Он говорит: ló-beam
18:09 Вы слышите чей-то голос. Он говорит: nique-
18:10 You hear someone's voice. It says: noire

Once you have all the words, you must return to Aladeia and answer her 4 questions. Order of answers: nature's, noire, burying, móna.

7. How to complete God of the Dead second quest?

Your tasks in steps:

I) Go to Crystalline Caves (can be CC 386) and collect each colour of crystal (1xBlue, 1xRed, 1xGreen)
II) Bring them to your base to use them and charge yourself with power
III) Finish CC as usual

IV) Go to Temple (can be Temple 283)
V) Choose an option to "Activate the Energy"
VI) While the effect is active rush to the enemy base to detonate the power


8. How to complete Dragon's third quest?

Hunt monsters/superbeings without armour basically.

9. How to complete Aladeya's third quest?

Gather resources in order to find ingredients for the cure (there are 3 but you will need different amounts of them to put them in an Elt Cube)

Received: Gwendarin 1 pcs
Received: Cyarin 1 pcs
Received: Ramuzin 1 pcs

Proportions for the Elt Cube are usually 2+2+2 or 4+2 or 6.
You need to keep trying until you find the right Light essence, once it cures you, you create another one to bring for Aladeya.
Please note: You can track your already checked combinations by searching Elt Cube recipes (type light essence)
Please note: It does not matter which essence you bring for Aladeya, it doesn't have to be the one that eventually worked for you :

10. What to do for the God of the Dead third quest?

Equip the false armour:

And while having it equipped kill enemies (Battlefields such as Arena should work fine for this one)
Human Head Mentor

If you need Mentor's assistance please check here

This post has been edited 26 times, last edit by "-Lilah-" (Nov 17th 2024, 2:51pm)


Sunday, November 17th 2024, 7:31am

Light Essence=2 Ramuzin + 2 Gwendarin + 2 Cyarin

But after I use Light Essence 5 times, nothing happend....
When I continue to use it, it say "[align=-webkit-center]You cannot Use the essence more than once in 5 secs.!"[/align]


Sunday, November 17th 2024, 10:47am

There are 7 different Elt Cube recipes for Light Essence, you need to find the right one
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