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main strengthening - already mentioned but keep in mind to use mage versions
and profession mage buff from Forest instance resources is good as well, more pene for mage than red ms buffs but less hp+


add collection book (fay- go) for dura buff, + 2000 dura is too good, 10 times of usage, perfect eh...

and for mage abyss fight (many times each day good for valor), the runic stones are good in otherworld goods shop in cave of war mages in city backyard

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5. bov scroll (green badge easy to get)
6. bov soup (same as above)
and boe has Brain Storm Liqueur AkA bull shiet losing pvp pot loland Charlatan

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add collection book (fay- go) for dura buff, + 2000 dura is too good, 10 times of usage, perfect eh...
sry it's +1750 dura
Strong Blessings of Endurance

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Reflection Gift
'Lifespan 1h
This item is non-transferable
Item does not occupy space in backpack
Magic aura that turns enemies’ powers against them.
Reduces the power and chance of enemy critical hits but increases the power and chance of your own. Increases the chance of activating stunning effects while reducing the chance of getting stunned. Increases your chance of blocking and dodging the attack, reducing the enemy’s own chances of it. The stronger the opponent, the greater the effect of the aura.
Effects group: unique strengthening
(Effects from the same group cannot be combined).'
Reflection Gift
'Lifespan 1h
This item is non-transferable
Item does not occupy space in backpack
Magic aura that turns enemies’ powers against them.
Reduces the power and chance of enemy critical hits but increases the power and chance of your own. Increases the chance of activating stunning effects while reducing the chance of getting stunned. Increases your chance of blocking and dodging the attack, reducing the enemy’s own chances of it. The stronger the opponent, the greater the effect of the aura.
Effects group: unique strengthening
(Effects from the same group cannot be combined).'

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Awakened Power IV
the Unity ring is a style item, quest seems to be started at Gondi NPC (magmar side)
Awakened Power IV
the Unity ring is a style item, quest seems to be started at Gondi NPC (magmar side)

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yep and castle good/ evil intentions buffs
and now comes the mage version
i'd drop 5 major ones as a start:
Aureole - you Eldive or Kroffdor? use and get rep! there is also weekly quest from mage lands npc!
Twilight - shadows consumed! plz check rep link --->…?obj=cat&id=139 , as illusion belt slots are useful!
main strengthening - already mentioned but keep in mind to use mage versions
daily mage quest orb - yep 84 points needed to get buff the very good buff
Ulleriuni or Irrigado - spelling is hard darn, it be with Eldive or Kroffdor rep, just pick crystal or flower from mage lands and it adds magical dmg on casts
other buffs:
Chugga gift from bov - for crits!
and the bov scrolls now upgrades to purple Ahimsa
1ms 2aura 3twilight 4mage orb 5Ulleriuni
6dragon23rd 7red vertsida 8might charm 9ocean amulet 10battle skill (really good)
11 12 13decks ore flower and fish (ore= stun, flower= buff boost and fish = hp regen and pen), 14good/ evil intention or Ahimsa or Black Dragon, 15Will buff from Kari or collection
16 and + would be Unity ring and other buffs like Reflection Gift if have

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Satiety link is everywhere...
food, if got too many, try elt cube for V, not sure
Satiety II missing link
food from fair, in form of bunch
Satiety III
clan citadel, green recipe in magic pot, for up to lvl 10
Satiety IV
unknown source, mage version starts here
Satiety V
food, try elt cube!
Satiety VI
purple and often lifespan limited version of... table cloth, 100 pen be good, and 15min buff
Satiety of Sacred Kodrag
style amulet item from seasonal event, 50 pen be ok, canNot be used with AbS, with VI idk, 1 fight buff but can last 15min
Absolute Satiety…ikul_id=1004008
red table cloth, no lifespan, 100 pen be good, can be used with VI and V, 15min buff
Heavenly Satiet... sorry lol
food, if got too many, try elt cube for V, not sure
Satiety II missing link
food from fair, in form of bunch
Satiety III
clan citadel, green recipe in magic pot, for up to lvl 10
Satiety IV
unknown source, mage version starts here
Satiety V
food, try elt cube!
Satiety VI
purple and often lifespan limited version of... table cloth, 100 pen be good, and 15min buff
Satiety of Sacred Kodrag
style amulet item from seasonal event, 50 pen be ok, canNot be used with AbS, with VI idk, 1 fight buff but can last 15min
Absolute Satiety…ikul_id=1004008
red table cloth, no lifespan, 100 pen be good, can be used with VI and V, 15min buff
Heavenly Satiet... sorry lol

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Satiety IV
unknown source, mage version starts here
You can get it by using a Level 11 Scroll of Light Satiety Magic, which you can buy at the Fair and embedding it in one of your armor items. ---- From: mentor, Lord of the Battle, McDonald [17]

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Satiety VI
purple and often lifespan limited version of... table cloth, 100 pen be good, and 15min buff
the best so far cause of the +8 (s)

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can be used with Absolute Satiety, use both AbS and V 1st, then use Satiety of Sacred KodragSatiety of Sacred Kodrag
style amulet item from seasonal event, 50 pen be ok, canNot be used with AbS

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Satiety VI
purple and often lifespan limited version of... table cloth, 100 pen be good, and 15min buff
the best so far cause of the +8 (s)
but it will be replaced if player has to eat a blue food,
while the ABS wonT

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Satiety II missing link
food from fair, in form of bunch
the Satiety II can have mage buff,
like will +3:
and in fair shop there is a new ABS, that gives owner VI, plus teammates VI (attributes bit lower from +8 to +5 and less pen)

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in fair shop there is a new ABS
Magic Tablecloth

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