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Thursday, November 21st 2024, 5:15pm


Hi alll,

Orluphia quest, I had this to do :

"Go through the Gates of Knowledge .... Page 42 of the of Basard will reveal the secret of going through the gate ..."

I found the clue and the anagram NORAM.

So my question is, where I need to go right now to find this page ?



Thursday, November 21st 2024, 6:05pm


You can find the Page 42 of Book of Basard at Wirgold Estate (click on the well) and use it in the backpack to read.

Then go to the Foot of the Barrow, and click on the statues in the correct order:
3x first,
1x second,
2x first,
1x third.

After that click on the gates.

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