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Thursday, November 21st 2024, 4:22am

Dead Flowers - Where are the zombies?

At the very bottom of this library page about the November event,…t&id=186&page=2 it says where to get the Ptomaine for the quest but I haven't seen any of those kinds of zombies yet. Am I looking I'm the wrong place or is the quest bugged?


Thursday, November 21st 2024, 6:49pm

The mosters will come up in seperat Waves, you can check this in your eventtab -> current events -> "Liche Invasion - Attack"

Waves of liches are attacking settlements - the monsters are in
  • Free Meadows and Smoky Knolls [3-6],
  • Royal Tomb and Clan Burial Grounds [7-10],
  • Baurvill Hamlet and Faytir [11-15],
  • Suburbs of Waltreia and Greerwood Village, in Waltreia Outpost and Rumengild Station, Basmont and Narrowford [16-19].


Thursday, November 21st 2024, 11:08pm

The zombies appear (I'm looking at them right now in Free Meadows) but they don't seem to be the right ones. The ones appearing now are Insurgent Zombies but according to the library

Ptomaine and Zombie Skull are received from Zombie Gravediggers, Zombie Vagabonds and Wandering Zombies, if the level of a zombie is less than your by no more than one level.

I've killed at least 20 of the Insurgents and haven't gotten any quest drop.
I also did some digging and found a thread mentioning something similar from two years ago. Apparently the wrong zombies were appearing so I'm thinking the same thing is happening now.


Friday, November 22nd 2024, 1:15am


you are right, it seems the wrong zombies are appearing.

At the moment, the only way of completing the "Dead Flower" quest (or "Ruined Greenhouse" for magmars) that I know of is by defeating monsters from Gizedor's quest "Liche Curse Amulet".

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Friday, November 22nd 2024, 2:00am


you are right, it seems the wrong zombies are appearing.

At the moment, the only way of completing the "Dead Flower" quest (or "Ruined Greenhouse" for magmars) that I know of is by defeating monsters from Gizedor's quest "Liche Curse Amulet".

Yeah, I was talking to a mentor earlier and that's what they said too. Unfortunately that quest is only accessible at least level and I'm but a humble level 4.


Friday, November 22nd 2024, 3:14am

I also just picked up Protection From Zombies from Arnica and it seems that one needs drops from the same zombies, so that's two quests :(