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Wednesday, November 18th 2020, 2:44pm

Goodbye :)

Dear Friends,

I have been playing this game for 11 years and been a head guard for 4 years. There has been the times I enjoyed, laughed and got angry. All was good. And now, it is time to say a good bye to everything. I wont be able to play the game any longer.
Stay safe and healthy.

My best regards,



Wednesday, November 18th 2020, 3:02pm

hope i still see you here SS


Monday, November 23rd 2020, 1:50am

don't come back

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Saturday, January 16th 2021, 9:24pm

I wish you to be happy
Always better :beer:

 lol666 [9] 


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Sunday, January 17th 2021, 9:08pm

Another gone, good luck around :drink:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Friday, February 26th 2021, 11:46pm

Your achievements tells me your still playing the game...


Saturday, March 20th 2021, 6:58am

@ UltimateGameman ...LOL best post EVER...officially!!!

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Saturday, March 20th 2021, 10:01am

Your achievements tells me your still playing the game...
And your curse tells me you aren't, baby girl
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. What's even better is to weaponize your words to destroy anyone who dares challenge you.


Saturday, March 20th 2021, 8:56pm


 lol666 [9] 


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Sunday, March 21st 2021, 5:33pm

I wonder what he wished the other guy to get cursed :lol:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Sunday, March 21st 2021, 6:46pm

wonder what he will wish us when he sees this you should be asking hahahaha

 lol666 [9] 


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Sunday, March 21st 2021, 8:55pm

No big deal, he's not the first and will not be the last that want me dead in real :lol: :king:
Don't be jelous of others, try to care about yours, only after that you will understand what you really have. P.S. Is very very very hard :cry: but i will try my best :peace: :beer:


Tuesday, March 23rd 2021, 5:42am

Mahna Mahna

This post "Стрес і хвилювання: поради щодо збереження психічного здоров’я" by "logannnnnnn" (Thursday, November 28th 2024, 11:18am) has been deleted by user "Aykutluk" (Thursday, November 28th 2024, 11:24am) with the following reason: Spam/Advertising

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