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Saturday, November 30th 2024, 7:10pm

Chaotic battle

Did anyone ever thought to put some restriction on the amount and type of blessed to be allowed in chaotic ? ^^'

I just returned to the game after 4 years of absence and i see so many new blesses that people are using making them so strong that they one shot 95% of the other players ... dont get me wrong im not complaining about the fact of dying just what i fear is that people who cannot catch up will just drop ... and as we all know our advertising system is not the best to bring new additionnal players ^^

So, did anyone think to put some kind of restriction on the blesses allowed in chaotic ? ^^'



Sunday, December 1st 2024, 3:32pm

Get better


Tuesday, December 3rd 2024, 10:38pm

Get better
Advice Number one:
Neveeeer LISTEN TO A NOOB LIKE ALLEK :lol: :lol: :lol:
Make Damage in chaotic, and winning Arena without using negatif effect (impossible fr him)!!!!!
before talking XD

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