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Monday, December 2nd 2024, 3:48pm

Autumn Marathon Didn't Reward

Just killed Bone Golem in Abandoned Smithy & didn't get Autumn Marathon Achievement OR 10 Coins.
No idea why it bugged out as my lvl 8 character just did it too & got both.
I checked my achieveents list & I haven't received the achievement previously so it didn't register for some unknown reason.
Borwser related possibly? My other character was using client. That's the only reason I can think of.


Monday, December 2nd 2024, 4:02pm

To Clarify. the relative achievement that I should have gotten says I haven't killed any Superbeings when obvioulsy I have.
The weekly event tab states I have killed 1/10 too.:-

Autumn Marathon - Killing superbeings I
Kill 1 superbeings during the Autumn Marathon event.
Total kills during the event: 0.

I'm not fussed if I get this added to my account with the coins owed too but am making admin aware of the bug :wink: :cool:


Monday, December 2nd 2024, 7:28pm

Please note: personal tasks can be completed until 12:00 on 02.12


Tuesday, December 3rd 2024, 3:57pm

Fair enough - I guess it was just bad timing on my behalf.

Weird how my other character got the reward/achievement for doing the same fight at 14:08 though. :bllll:

My guess is it was all switched off at 15:00, just before my fight which is typical of my luck :bll: :lol:

I could have sworn there was a lot more time left in event tab though.