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Thursday, December 5th 2024, 9:50pm

Mystras main quest - The tracks lead to the realm of the dead

Hello, I seem to be stuck with this quest. I am currently searching for THE SECRET WRITINGS OF THE DEAD, which is meant to be found by clicking on a map, and then searching the location until a chest is found that contains this book.

However, I have now been to at least 20 locations, found chests, but nothing materializes in my backpack, and the only option I have is to click on the map again and keep looking.

Is this meant to be taking so long? Or am I doing something wrong? ?(

If someone could give some input that would be great.



Friday, December 6th 2024, 10:51pm

Please close the thread

Forum Administrator - please feel free to close the thread.

I realized I made a mistake and am continuing with the quest now.


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