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Saturday, December 14th 2024, 6:12pm

List of actif players lvl 14 Stronger than me in bf full blessing (Ranking )

list of players who are stronger than me. Why?

Because I find that the ranking on this game shows only achievement, reputation, number of scalps etc...

but doesn't show the winrate of the people in the battlefields.
For me the Winrate is important, it gives an idea of who I'm facing in pvp's. and it allows future players who are close to the level to have an idea too. it can also give motivation to the player to have a goal to boost their winrate. and of course everyone can see the winrate with mask or without ( thats only my idea about the winrate)

list of players lvl 14 stronger than me (full blessing) in chronological order. :smoke:

- Hulijng ( MD clan)
- Wild_SnowTigress (MD clan)
- S-P-E-E-D- (MD clan)
- El Mariachi (ZE clan)
- WIld_Lioness (MD clan)
- Yamantaka (PG clan)
- Docmo ( MD clan)
- Shadow Master ( EFH clan)
- King Avon ( ID clan)
- Allek ( BL clan)
- -funiocop- (ZE clan)

The list was made in relation to the battlefield. this ranking is not definitive, as they may take a breakthe or stop the game like Woytek_450.

I want to specify that Allekk these results were made in relation to the arenas and tallar in which he participated. the results in chaotic are lousy,This explains his position.

Have a nice game everybody, and never give up :!: :!: :!: :!: :woody:


Sunday, December 15th 2024, 3:17am

Believe me, when i was active 1 year ago i was like 65/75 in rating, but still almost noone could beat me, at least in human side. Sure they could kill mobs faster than me :lol: but no one except 2-3 magmars and 0 humans could kill me in battlefields. And i was at the bottom of the ranking, even with maxed rank


Sunday, December 15th 2024, 4:45pm

majinbuu has a win rate of 97.54% and he is first in the lvl 16 ranking xD


Monday, December 16th 2024, 8:19am

make it your goal to become better than them :thumbup:


Monday, December 16th 2024, 10:19pm

make it your goal to become better than them :thumbup:
Yeah thats what im doing :)

Allek is already Outplayed :beaten:
He was the easy one to be destroyed by me. i thoug it would be hard but i was wrong XD
he stopped answer my gift.