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Thursday, December 19th 2024, 11:56am

[Guide] Warrior/Hunter Puzzles / Puzzle Wojownika

Below is a collection of puzzles (captchas) that players periodically have to solve during the hunt, called "test of skill".

- the first time the captcha is unsuccessful,the Warrior's Apathy -30% effect will be applied , which will reduce the gold received from monsters by 30% . The effect lasts 5 minutes;
- the second time the captcha is unsuccessful in a row , the Warrior's Apathy -40% effect will be applieded , which will reduce the gold received from monsters by 40% . The effect lasts 10 minutes ;
- the third time the captcha is unsuccessful in a row , the Warrior's Apathy -50% effect will be appliedd , which will reduce the gold received from monsters by 50% . The effect lasts 30 minutes ;
- the fourth time the captcha is unsuccessful in a row , the Warrior's Complete Apathy -90% effect will be applieded , which will reduce the gold received from monsters by 90% . The effect lasts 12 hours.

Now, if you successfully solve the puzzles:

- players (not in the lands of Mystras) will receive the Egghead's Bag item as a reward;
- players who hunts in the lands of Mystras will receive the Illumination of Datkhar as a reward ;

- a special effect is granted as a reward Zealous Warrior +15% , increasing the amount of additional gold coins by 15% , the duration of the effect is 5 minutes. - current failure counters are reset: upon next unsuccessful completion of the puzzles causes that the first Warrior's Apathy -30% will be applieded again . - apathy effects upon successful completion of the puzzle will be removed
Zealous Warrior +15% is available ONLY while hunting on monsters OUTSIDE of Mystras

Types of puzzles









If you need Mentor's assistance please check

This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "Pearlie" (Dec 19th 2024, 12:15pm)


Thursday, December 19th 2024, 12:24pm

Ohno ill be debuffed everytime cuz my bot cant handle puzzles :sad:


Thursday, December 19th 2024, 3:05pm

Goodbye 420 serpagons per hour it was nice to knowing you .well:


Thursday, December 19th 2024, 3:39pm

Thank you very much, bot users, nice job :thumbsup:

(@Pearlie: Pictures don't show. Or maybe that's just me.)


Wednesday, December 25th 2024, 11:14pm

second time = 0 gold
22:23 Du hast den Test nicht bestanden und Paladin Schiko stellt dich unter besondere Beobachtung.
22:23 Erhalten: #ARTIFACT[40994] # (10 Minuten)
22:23 Du hast Nadelpelz [20] angegriffen.
22:23 Der Kampf « Angriff auf Nadelpelz» hat begonnen.
22:23 Kampf « Angriff auf Nadelpelz» ist beendet.
22:23 Der Effekt der Apathie des Kriegers h?lt dich davon ab, Beute zu machen.
22:23 Du hast Nadelpelz [20] angegriffen.
22:23 Der Kampf « Angriff auf Nadelpelz» hat begonnen.
22:24 Kampf « Angriff auf Nadelpelz» ist beendet.
22:24 Der Effekt der Apathie des Kriegers h?lt dich davon ab, Beute zu machen.
22:24 Du hast Nadelpelz [20] angegriffen.
22:24 Der Kampf « Angriff auf Nadelpelz» hat begonnen.
22:24 Kampf « Angriff auf Nadelpelz» ist beendet.
22:24 Der Effekt der Apathie des Kriegers h?lt dich davon ab, Beute zu machen.

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