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Monday, December 23rd 2024, 8:19pm

Didn't get activity reward

There's an activity that you can complete by killing a boss, that doesn't have a lower level than you.
As I'm lvl 6 currently, I thought that would be Gurraldiy Korr - However when we killed him with my group, the activity quest was not marked as complete.
What's going on here? Do I need to be the one to strike the killing blow?


Monday, December 23rd 2024, 8:26pm

U had someone in group that was lvl 7 D:


Monday, December 23rd 2024, 8:31pm

Why does that matter? I'm level 6... If it really doesn't work if you're in a group with higher level people then you're seriously discouraged from even raiding bosses with your guild. Not everyone can be at your level :(