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Sunday, December 29th 2024, 6:26pm

Is the Endagar any good compared to other mounts?

I really dig the design of the Endagar, but glossing over the requirements, I'm not really sure if it's worth the payoff.
You need:
- Honored reputation at the brotherhood
- 4th riding skill
- 50 food per fight
For that you get a lvl 10 mount with:
- HP: 1343
- Speed +40
- 2 Abilities
- Damage not known to me.
This seems really expensive for those stats. Especially when you compare it to the elites, that have same level, same hp, similar speed, but have a much food cost of 30 and only require the 3rd riding skill.

What's your opinion on this?


Sunday, December 29th 2024, 8:30pm

In general, Endagar is great for fights where you have multiple opponents, thanks to the Endagar's Step skill.

I assume by elites you mean Elite Berona Tiger. In that case, when making a comparison to Elite Berona Tiger/Assault zorb, I think the key factor to look at is player level requirement.

You can have and use the Endagar amulet from level 6, and it's one of the best mounts you can have on that level. Elite Tiger/Assault Zorb is only available from level 9.

When you're level 9, you can however upgrade Endagar to Invincible Endagar. And here the difference in level, damage, hp, and backpack capacity, as well as upgraded skills, really make Elite Tigers and Assault Zorbs pale in comparison.

And while yes, getting Endagar is quite expensive, you're getting more than just a mount for the price. You're also getting all the other reputation rewards, including access to some powerful blessings.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "-Sana-" (Dec 29th 2024, 8:35pm)


Sunday, December 29th 2024, 8:52pm

Ohh that's actually good advice. I didn't think about the upgrade possibilities. Thanks a lot, that's a good explanation

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