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Thursday, December 12th 2024, 9:49pm

Mirrow in Turmoil // Seasonal quests //Snowger defeated

When i kill Snowger, it doesn't count in my Battle pass ""Mirrow in Turmoil // Seasonal quests //Snowger defeated"".

Same is on low lvl maps, or on my lvl map (lvl13).

Is it bug or i am doing something wrong?!?


.well: :glance:


Thursday, December 12th 2024, 10:00pm


Please disband your group and then kill the Snowgers
We are looking for new Mentor Candidates. If you are confident in your knowledge and like to help, you can apply HERE !



Sunday, December 29th 2024, 11:42pm


Please disband your group and then kill the Snowgers

Yes, thanks, that work! :beer:


Monday, December 30th 2024, 12:04am

Seasonal ""Mirrow in Turmoil""

Tasks 13.12-20.12:
Resources about the New Year's Tree.
Progress: 8 of 15;

It got blocked around Christmas, i think 25.12.
The quest is still active and can be done at the Christmas tree (Spirit) in the Snow shop.
That is, the shop is open and this task can be done once a day.
Why doesn't it count and add to solving the stated task ??
:woot: :shuffle: :huh:

The season deck is still active and you can get a blessing, once a day.
The packages and balls for Christmas tree are still on the hunt screen, but since Christmas, there are no more active quests from either the Elder or the Christmas Spirit?
Why is that closed?
...why are the packages and balls still present on the hunt screen then ??

:shuffle: :huh: :S


Friday, January 3rd 2025, 6:26pm


At first 15 was required, later it was reduced to 8 and if you have already exchange resources on the tree 8 times, the task is completed and you get battle pass points. It appears there as 8/15 but ignore this.

With the opening of the Event Shop, daily quests can no longer be completed, only exchange resources and season decks can be used (I'm not sure if this was intended - Season deck; but exchange resources have always been like this)

To give some general information about Mirrow in Turmoil;
The tasks there are seasonal and you must complete most of them within that season. Some of them can be completed later and you can check them in the “Chronicles of the Seasonal Tasks of the Past ”. You can also complete possible tasks until May 2, 2025
We are looking for new Mentor Candidates. If you are confident in your knowledge and like to help, you can apply HERE !


This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (Jan 3rd 2025, 6:40pm)


Friday, January 3rd 2025, 11:34pm


Thank you for answers! :worship: :drink: