Mandragora Almandra's Tasks (recurring)
Recurring quest for the reputation of the Guardians of Beauty are available
every 3 days after completing the initation quest
"For the Glory of Beauty".
It might happen that the Mandragora will be in bad mood and
instead of giving you a task, she will attack you. In that case you will not receive any reputation, but instead you will get
Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs.
List of possible tasks:
- Bring Almandra one of the following:
Reward: 100 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -10 Seekers of Wisdom reputation
- You will receive a Mandrake Seedling. Water it with Quicksilver once a day for 3 days in a row, until it grows into a Mandrake Seedling.
Reward: 70 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -7 Seekers of Wisdom reputation if you succeed, 20 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -2 Seekers of Wisdom reputation if you fail
- Scatter Mandrake Seeds in the land of Mystras. Click "Use" on the seeds 3 times. You might get attacked by a Hunter Mushroom [20]
. The seeds cannot be used in
Dindaat Forest.
Reward: 50 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -5 Seekers of Wisdom reputation
- Use the Mandrake’s Corrosive Juice in the land of Mystras 3 times. Between each use, you will need to wait 5 minutes. You might get attacked by 2 Hunter Mushroom [20]
. The juice cannot be used in
Dindaat Forest.
Reward: 50 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -5 Seekers of Wisdom reputation
- While killing Hunter Mushroom [20]
, obtain 10 Wandering Mushroom Cap. (The number of mushrooms you need to kill will increase when you get higher level medals of the Guadians of Beauty.)
Reward: 50 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -5 Seekers of Wisdom reputation
If you reach 500 reputation, more tasks become available:
- Listen carefully to the story told by Almandra, then answer the question.
- Under which Caliph did this happen? Under Valikhara's Uncle
- What won't exist in this new Faeo? Vulgarity
- What colour was that Ifrit's beard?! Fiery
- Where are the surviving male mandrakes living now? Up the slope
- Do you even remember what that poor guy's name was? Jamid the Exile
- Why did the Creator of all worlds incinerate the kingdom of mandrakes? After being blinded by their beauty
- What’s graceful about my leaves? The capillary pattern
- What did I call them? Sisters
- What was on the mushroom's cap? Bird droppings
- What was the mortal wound inflicted on the genie who fell in love with me?! He was slashed from his left shoulder to his right hip
Reward: 50 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -5 Seekers of Wisdom reputation if your first answer is correct, 20 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -2 Seekers of Wisdom reputation if your firts answer is incorrect
- Find the bandit in the city of
Mystras and save the Mandrake Growth. Choose the option in the location list in Mystras, Bandit [20]
will attack you (same as an Outcast Genie - if you have the blue Guardians of Beauty medal, 2 bandits will attack). Defeat him and take the Mandrake Growth back to Almandra.
Reward: 50 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -5 Seekers of Wisdom reputation
- Defeat the 2 Iskhar Flowers [20]
(the fight will start immediately after the dialogue).
Reward: 50 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -5 Seekers of Wisdom reputation
If you reach 1000 reputation, more tasks become available:
- Use the Canvas from the Mandrake’s Collection or Canvas from Almandra's Collection and complete the puzzle.
Reward: 50 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -5 Seekers of Wisdom reputation
- Kill Outcast Genies [20]
until you find the one that insulted the beautiful mandragora (you will get a chat notification).
Reward: 50 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -5 Seekers of Wisdom reputation
- Throw Rotten Mandrake Shoots at a player who does not have any Guardians of Beauty reputation (click 'Use' and ente the player's name).
Reward: 50 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -5 Seekers of Wisdom reputation
- Kill 10 Wandering Mandrakes [20]
(if you have the blue Guardians of Beauty medal, you will need to kill 20 mandrakes).
Reward: 50 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -5 Seekers of Wisdom reputation
If you reach 2000 reputation, more tasks become available:
- Bring Almandra some Mandrake Nourishing Supplement. It can be purchased in the Pofessional Shop in Guild of Artisans.
Reward: 50 Guardians of Beauty reputation and -5 Seekers of Wisdom reputation
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This post has been edited 8 times, last edit by "-Sana-" (Feb 13th 2025, 8:28pm)