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Monday, January 6th 2025, 2:55pm

[GUIDE] Seekers of Wisdom Quests (Old Fattar's - Mushroom Reputation)

Warriors, CrackerJacks present the guide to Seekers of Wisdom Quests.

You can also read more about the reputation and the rewards in the Library.

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Monday, January 6th 2025, 2:56pm

The Path of Mushroom Wisdom (Initiation to Seekers of Wisdom)

Start: Old Fattar, Dindaat Forest

  1. After talking to Old Fattar, click on the Necronomicology in your backpack. You will receive the First Page of the Necronomicology.

  2. Go to Brugilda the Sorceress / Witch Gredeya. You will need to bring her ingredients to make some Mushroom Fertilizer: Fire Flower 300 pcs, Evil Eye 100 pcs, and Mandrake Paste 10 pcs.

    In oder to get the paste, you will need to first obtain Mandrake Root (10 pcs). This can be done by hunting Wandering Mandrakes [20] in the Dindaat Forest (they don't drop from every fight). Then, use the roots in your backpack to mix them with quicksilver and create the Mandrake Paste. For one root you will need 100 Quicksilver (so 1000 Quicksilver in total).

  3. Take the Mushroom Fertilizer to Old Fattar, then use the Necronomicology to receive the next task - Second Page of the Necronomicology.

  4. Talk to Menachem the Antique Dealer / Samary the Antiquarian, then go to Jeweller Korundum / Esmeril. They will give you a Mechanical Prospector in exchange for 10.

    Click on the Mechanical Prospector to start searching for the Broken Mushroom Crown. This works in the same way as searching for treasures for the Treasure Hunters reputation - you will receive a chat message with the location where the treasure is hidden. Go there and drag the magnifying glass in the hunt screen to find the chest containing the broken crown.
    Once you find it, return to the jeweller.

  5. Bring the Crown of the Padishah of Mushrooms to Old Fattar and click on the Necronomicology to receive the next task. You will need to take the Third page of the Necronomicology to the right person, depending on the description of the page. The list of possible descriptions and NPCs related to the task can be found HERE.
    After that, return to Old Fattar to complete the quest.

Rewards: 100 reputation of the Seekers of Wisdom, Random Fair Elixir 1 pcs, Case with Ephemeral Deck of Cards 1 pcs, Random Incarnation Potion 1 pcs, access to recurring tasks for the Seekers of Wisdom reputation.
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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "-Sana-" (Jan 6th 2025, 3:02pm)


Monday, January 6th 2025, 2:56pm

Old Fattar's Tasks (Recurring Quests)

Recurring quest for the reputation of the Seekers of Wisdom are available every 3 days after completing the initation quest "The Path of Mushroom Wisdom".

It might happen that Old Fattar will be in bad mood and instead of giving you a task, he will attack you. In that case you will not receive any reputation, but instead you will get Inspiration of Datkhar 5 pcs.

List of possible tasks:
  • Sacrifice one of the following resources to Old Fattar's mycelium:

    Reward: 100 Seekers of Wisdom reputation and -10 Guardians of Beauty reputation

  • You will receive Spores of the Mushroom of Visions. Fertilise them with Quicksilver once a day for 3 days in a row, until they grow into a Young Mushroom of Visions. Depending on your reputation level, you will need different amount of Quicksilver for the fertiliser:
    • 0-500 reputation - 100 Quicksilver (x3)
    • 500-2000 reputation - 150 Quicksilver (x3)
    • 2000-3000 reputation - 200 Quicksilver (x3)

    Reward: 70 Seekers of Wisdom reputation and -7 Guardians of Beauty reputation if you succeed, 20 Seekers of Wisdom reputation and -2 Guardians of Beauty reputation if you fail

  • Find the the mushroom picker gang, deal with them and bring Mushroom Picker's Knife to Fattar. Choose the "Find a mushroom picker gang" option in the location list in Dindaat Forest. Mushroom Picker [20] will attack you (same as an Outcast Genie). Defeat him and take the Artful Anger Helmet +6 to Old Fattar. It might take more than one fight until the Knife drops.

    Reward: 50 Seekers of Wisdom reputation and -5 Guardians of Beauty reputation

  • Scatter Fattar’s Spores in the land of Mystras. Click "Use" on the spores 3 times. You can use spread the spored all in one location. You might get attacked by a Wandering Mandrake [20] .

    Reward: 50 Seekers of Wisdom reputation and -5 Guardians of Beauty reputation

  • Kill 10 Wandering Mandrake [20] (if you have the green Seekers of Wisdom medal, you will need to kill 10 mandrakes, if blue - 20 mandrakes).

    Reward: 50 Seekers of Wisdom reputation and -5 Guardians of Beauty reputation

If you reach 500 reputation, more tasks become available:
  • Listen carefully to the story told by Old Fattar, then answer the question.
    Please note that the acutal answers might be slightly different, the exact translations will be added later. I strongly recommend to read Fattar's story carefully.

    - So who wins all the battles in the end? The wisest one
    - What was prepared for the caliph from the first mushroom? A stew
    - So what is the modesty about my being here? There’s no marble path
    - Who spread the rumours that I could be made into a delicate soup? Mandrakes
    - What goes into the meaning of life for a respectable mushroom? Sharing your wisdom
    - So why don’t I get the best suitors? The wisdom has transformed you
    - Name one major vice that's ruining Mystras! Frivolity
    - How did the mushrooms incur his wrath? They were questioning his omnipotence
    - Are you ready to name one of the Genie's upcoming duties? Exterminate worms and pests
    - And what is the greatest sin of the Genies? Mushroom picking

    Reward: 50 Seekers of Wisdom reputation and -5 Guardians of Beauty reputation if your first answer is correct, 20 Seekers of Wisdom reputation and -2 Guardians of Beauty reputation if your firts answer is incorrect

  • Use the Chest of Fattar’s Collection and complete the puzzle.

    Reward: 50 Seekers of Wisdom reputation and -5 Guardians of Beauty reputation

  • Distribute the Fattar's Praise in the land of Mystras. Choose the right option in the location list in each of the locations: Ashduur Cove, Dindaat Forest, and Mystras. You might get attacked by a Wandering Mandrake [20] . If you have the blue medal of the Seekers of Wisdom, you will need to click 3 times in each location.

    Reward: 50 Seekers of Wisdom reputation and -5 Guardians of Beauty reputation

If you reach 1000 reputation, more tasks become available:
  • Defeat the 2 Whad Worm [20] (the fight will start immediately after the dialogue).

    Reward: 50 Seekers of Wisdom reputation and -5 Guardians of Beauty reputation

If you reach 2000 reputation, more tasks become available:
Forum rules, EULA: Signature should not be larger than 2 lines with normal font size. Abunadance of formatting tags, colourful appearance, and large fonts are forbidden.

This post has been edited 8 times, last edit by "-Sana-" (Feb 9th 2025, 10:20pm)

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