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CrackerJacks Secret Diary Series - 2024

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Quest Name: The lost diary / CrackerJacks secret diary
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
- Current goal: Kill monsters no more than one level below and search them for The Lost Diary!.
(After we find it, we're going back to CrackerJack and quest will be completed)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (Apr 3rd 2024, 7:38am)

News Link
Quest Name: Down the Rabbit hole
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
- Current goal: Bring CrackerJack the desired gift to the tavern.
(Look carefully at the picture and find the gift hidden there)

The gift requested from you is: Bouquet of Flowers - You can buy it in the gift shop.
- Current goal: Participate in a battle in the Arena of Underground Knights or slay 50 monsters. After completion, return to CrackerJack in the tavern. Monsters: 0 from 50 or Arena: 0 from 1
(After completing any of the 2 options, we return to CrackerJack.) (no more than one level below)

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (Apr 5th 2024, 9:56am)

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Quest Name: The path
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
*** Each NPC will ask us one riddle. If we answer these riddles correctly, we can get more Talent Coins at the end of the quest.
- Current goal: Find the starting point of young warriors and speak to the residents to find your first riddle.
(Chief Torgor - Settlement of Chernag /
Chief Kort - Settlement of Klesva)
(Q: How many torn pages from books and folios can you hand in? A: As many as you have)
- Current goal: Visit the commander for the next riddle.
(Commander Norias - Smoky Knolls /
Centurion Mekden - Free Meadows)
(Q: Which foods are earned for the quests during the harshest frosts of the New Year? A: Cheese and Smoked Gammon)
- Current goal: Visit the Hunter of the Undead for your next riddle.
(Shiko - Tomb of Kings /
Shiko - Royal Tomb)
(Q: What does Gizedor need for you to have the opportunity to fight against a terrible liche? A: Cuddly Valdagor and Flurry Kodgrag)
- Current goal: Go to the City Fair and speak to the inhabitants for your next riddle.
(Sheamus the Joker - City Fair /
Nadilare - City Fair)
(Q: Which candy is full of blissful surprises? A: Toffee with Surprise)
- Current goal: Visit the Elder to solve the next riddle.
(Elder Verkiry - City Square /
Elder Baguran - City Square)
(Q: What can you turn Snowdrifts into? A: Snowballs)
- Current goal: Visit the Seer to solve the next riddle.
(Maritsa the Witch - Settlement Angrukhon /
Bludiara - Thistle Brushwood)
(Q: When is the spirit of Avarice nowhere to be found? A: 22:00-01:00 Magmar side)
- Current goal: Go to the Wise Man to solve the next riddle.
(Flavviy the Wise - Settlement of Faytir /
Pandrik the Wise - Light's Edge)
(Q: How many pieces do you need in total to have each origami in your backpack? A: 28 Torn corners, 32 edge fragments, 28 central fragments)
- Current goal: Go to the Mage to solve the next riddle.
(Khorsungum - Gorge of Gondi /
Frogg - Wild Forest)
(Q: Yes, where can't you find the spotty bugs? A: In the fountain in the town square/Square of Fire)
- Current goal: Visit the Mermaid to solve the next riddle.
(Maeli the Mermaid - Sly Cove /
Sorena the Mermaid - Lumirya Waterfall)
(Q: Who or what will help you curb the plague of mosquitos? A: Swamp Toads)
- Current goal: Go to the Gnome Spirit to solve the next riddle.
(Gnome Spirit - Place of Sorrow /
Gnome Spirit - Graves of the Poor)
(Q: Where does the cherry stone spitting competition take place? A: There isn't one)
- Current goal: Go to the Spectral Expanse to solve the next riddle.
(Sheara - Spectral Expanse /
Sheara - Spectral Expanse)
(Q: When it's time to find a partner, which weapons do not hurt you? A: Cupid’s arrow and Cupid’s bow)
- Current goal: Visit Gizedor on the Plateau of Silence for your final riddle.
(Gizedor - Plateau of Silence /
Gizedor - Plateau of Silence)
(Q: Left Head: Yo-ve-me-th-ri-t-ac-I-ve-e-st-dd-fo-yo- Right Head: -u'-co-to-e-gh-pl-e!-ha-th-la-ri-le-r-u. Left Head: Wh-h-as-al-en-wa-no-ye-a-bj-t-r-ri-le- Right Head: -ic-se-on-ev-t-s-t-t-su-ec-fo-a-dd-? A: October)
- Current goal: Go to the CrackerJack to report about your success!
(CrackerJack - The Gurraldiy´s Head Pub /
CrackerJack - Mary´s Tavern)

News Link
Quest Name: More white rabbits
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
- Current Goal: Find the three missing pages of notes by hunting monsters no more than one level below your own or by destroying superbeings. Return the pages to CrackerJack in the tavern.
- CrackerJack asks you a riddle.
Q: Why do skeletons take their gravestone with them when they visit the tavern?
A: So that they can identify themselves at the age check.
We continue talking to CrackerJack and quest is completed.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (May 29th 2024, 11:57am)

News Link
Quest Name: The Map
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
- Current Goal: Find the person who knows the most about maps and writing.
(Flavviy the Wise - Settlement of Faytir /
Pandrik the Wise - Light's Edge)
- Current Goal: Make the wiseman an exquisite origami in a color of your choice and give it to him.
(You need to bring “Exquisite Origami” like this one. You can make these origami fromFlavviy the Wise /
Pandrik the Wise when the seasonal event “May Mess ” is active)
Received: CrackerJacks' first map fragment 1 pcs
- Current Goal: The other pieces were stolen. Who could have done that? Set off and get them back!
(Chigrik the Thief - Glade of Dreams /
Gloum the Swindler - Barrow of Sadness)
- Current Goal: Bring the thief Efril 5 pcs crystals to get the map back.
Removed: Efril 5 pcs Received: CrackerJacks' second map fragment 1 pcs
- Current Goal: Find the girl who has the last pieces of the map.
(Juminja the Slave - Eclipse Thicket – Bringer of Evil Den /
Juminja the Slave - Wasteland of Rest – Bringer of Evil Den)
Received: CrackerJacks' third map fragment 1 pcs
- Current Goal: Find and defeat the monsters described by the Slave until you find the stolen part of the map!
(You have to kill Arboris until you get the map)
Received: CrackerJacks' fourth map fragment 1 pcs
Return to CrackerJack in the tavern.
- Current Goal: Find the place with the X and complete the task!
(The map it shows you and the location you need to go to are at the top of the pictures below)
Q: Where is the rabbit hole that CrackerJack jumped into?

Received: March Rabbit 1 pcs (Extra reward for giving the correct answer above)
- Current Goal: Tell CrackerJack about your success in the tavern!

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (May 29th 2024, 1:57pm)

News Link
Quest Name: Through the forest
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
- Current goal: Talk to the Alchemist in the Craftsmen's Guild.
(Veddun the Alchemist -
Cagliostro the Alchemist - (Both in City Square - Guild of Artisans)
- Current goal: Bring Fern Frond 15 pcs and Collected Iris 4 pcs to Veddun the Alchemist / Cagliostro the Alchemist in the Guild of Artisans.
(Ferns can be collected during the JUNE - FERN FLOWERING event!)
- Current goal: Go to the Mage to ask him for the red color.
(Khorsungum the mage -
Arnabag the mage)
- Current goal: Go to the Jeweler to ask him for the blue color.
(Jeweler Korundum -
Esmeril - (Both in City Square - Guild of Artisans)
- Current goal: Bring the named ingredients for the colors to the alchemist. (Sapphire Dust 100 pcs, Magic Red Ink 10 pcs)
(Veddun the Alchemist -
Cagliostro the Alchemist - (Both in City Square - Guild of Artisans)
- Current goal: Wait at last 5 minutes outside the door before you asked the alchemist about the success to the experiment.
- Current goal: Go back to the tavern and report the results to CrackerJack.
(CrackerJack - The Gurraldiy´s Head Pub /
CrackerJack - Mary´s Tavern)

News Link
Quest Name: An unusual Cherry Break
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
- Go to
Givens /
Mary in the tavern and ask for a sweet dish with cherries!
Please note: If you are unable to talk to Givens / Mary, you must either cancel the quest "In The Tentacles Of A Dangerous Plague (if you have this effect "Chaos Plague ") or complete this quest and its subquests. The NPC will then contact you!
- Go back to CrackerJack.
Received: All the Colours of the Rainbow Cake 2 pcs
After talking to CrackerJack, he will remove All the Colours of the Rainbow Cake 1 pcs from you and you will keep the other one. You can gift it to other players!

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Quest Name: By the lake!
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
Received: Tiny Goldfish
- Go to the Jeweller in the Craftsmen's Guild.
(Korundum the Jeweller -
Esmeril )
- Now ask the herbologist which plants are suitable for your fishbowl.
(Herbier the Herbologist -
Foglio )
- Ask the fisherman what else your fish needs.
(Vylis the Fisherman -
Nathan the Fisherman)
- Get the mentioned resources and bring them to CrackerJack in the tavern.
(The Gurraldiy´s Head Pub -
Mary´s Tavern )

News Link
Quest Name: The City
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
- Proceed by giving the right answers to the questions CrackerJack will ask us!
Q: What landscapes did I cross in pursuit of the white rabbit?
A: Of course it was meadows, stones, forests and a river.
Received: Talent Coin 3 pcs.
Q: What was I able to take with me when I fell through the rabbit hole?
A: You couldn't grab anything.
Received: Talent Coin 3 pcs.
Q: What was my task on the way over the cobbled road?
A: You had to solve puzzles, just like I do now!
Received: Talent Coin 3 pcs.
Q: What was so special about the many rabbits I met on my way?
A: They were all a bit different and some even wore a tie!
Received: Talent Coin 3 pcs.
Q: How was it possible for me to read the map parts?
A: By following the order of the map parts on the stone altars.
Received: Talent Coin 3 pcs.
Q: What was not in the clearing during my June adventure?
A: It was the white rabbit, of course.
Received: Talent Coin 3 pcs.
Q: What was the mysterious woman wearing which I met on the clearing?
A: She wore a colorful robe.
Received: Talent Coin 3 pcs.
Q: Which animal did I see at the lake?
A: A huge goldfish the size of a cart jumped out of the water.
Received: Talent Coin 3 pcs.
Q: After we entered the capital, where had the elder led me?
A: To its inner sanctum: the great and impressive library.
Received: Talent Coin 3 pcs, Certificate of Omniscience 15 pcs, Eagle Owl Philosopher 1 pcs.
You have already received all the rewards by answering the questions. I will mention their total here again!

News Link
Quest Name: The Fight
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
- Go to Faeo's herb and plant specialist.
(Herbier the Herbologist -
Foglio )
- Go to the Fortuneteller to find out more about the ingredients.
(Maritsa the Witch -
Bludiara the Fortuneteller )
- Bring the Fortuneteller Phial 5 pcs or Aquamarine 20 pcs, Thistle 20 pcs and Moon Carp 20 pcs (For human) or Stone Carp 20 pcs(For magmars).
- Find the ingredients and take them to the Herbologist! - Pot from a master craftsman. - Soil from a follower of the occult. - Fertilizer from a scientist. - Water from a farmer.
For the Pot : Bring Craftswoman Soygura (Magmar) / Ostap the Craftsman (Human) a Locksmith's Reward Statue
For the Soil : Obtain a A Rare Fossil to get the soil for the pumpkin seeds. (Necromancer (Human) / Koeshu the Necromancer(Magmar) )
For the Fertilizer : Get Pet Food 50 pcs for the Mechanical Tuver of the scientist. (Globius the Learned (Human) / Avelius the Scholar (Magmar) )
For the Water : Bring the farmer a Small crystal glass flask . (Ikvan the Pleasant (Human) / Ploughman Tadeuz (Magmar) )
After talking to the herbologist you will be attacked by the Pumpkin Monster .
- Return to CrackerJack in the tavern

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (Nov 8th 2024, 2:52pm)

News Link
Quest Name: The Chest
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
- Find the mysterious chest in the secret hiding places that everyone knows about!
- Plateau of Silence
- Haunted Place
- Ships Graveyard
- Mystras Town
Please note that you cannot receive the chest from hidden places/ruins as a guarantee! You may need to try several times.
You have received a bonus: ‘[The chest] Talon Drop’! (CrackerJack's secret chest 1 pcs)
After receiving it, open CrackerJack's secret chest!
Received: Pile of Papers 5 pcs, Random Research 1 pcs, Complete Collection of Rare Recipes 1 pcs, Secret knowledge 1 pcs
- You've found the secret chest! Return to CrackerJack in the tavern

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (Dec 12th 2024, 7:14pm)

News Link
Quest Name: The Way Back
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Quest Stages:
- Current goal: Collect Snowdrift to build a snow rabbit with CrackerJack.
(You must bring a total of 300 snowdrifts .)
- Go to the ranger and ask him about the properties of rabbits.
(Hawken - Zviglod Grove /
Vaslav the Ranger - Light’s Edge)
- Bring the following resources to the Hunter: 1x Weak Scroll of Resurrection , 1x Collected Milfoil , 1x Magic Blue Ink , 10x Diamond Dust , 1x Magic Snowflake , 1x Enchanted frosted glass flask .
(Hawken- Zviglod Grove /
Vaslav the Ranger - Light’s Edge)
- Use the Potion of Awakening in the right place to bring the rabbit back to life
(Forgotten Mines /
Sleepy Valley)
- Return to CrackerJack in the tavern

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Aykutluk" (Today, 10:57am)

Quest Name: The Magic Diary
NPC: CrackerJack

Required level: 3
Restriction: You must complete 12 CrackerJack quests!
Quest Stages:
- A short conversation with CrackerJack
Removed: The Lost Diary!
Received: CrackerJack's Magic Diary
Please Note: You will get Good Mood with every use(12 times, not more). You will be able to use it again on the 1st of each month. Sand of Renewal resets this duration!

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