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Thursday, January 30th 2025, 10:43pm


Group 1: digital art
_XODI_ 28
Effort 4
Motive 7
Handicraft skills 8
Overall impression 9

RbInoZer1 25
Effort 4
Motive 6
Handicraft skills 7
Overall impression 8

Group 2: hand-painted art
-_Beetlejuice_- 31
Effort 5
Motive 6
Handicraft skills 10
Overall impression 10

Fire-Devil 20
Effort 3
Motive 5
Handicraft skills 6
Overall impression 6

Ras Alhague 20
Effort 4
Motive 4
Handicraft skills 6
Overall impression 6

MissDrache 15
Effort 2
Motive 3
Handicraft skills 5
Overall impression 5

The Wicked Woman 12
Effort 1
Motive 1
Handicraft skills 5
Overall impression 5