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Wednesday, January 22nd 2025, 3:23pm

Clanmates offers on exchange

Hello, in my opinion you need to create options on the exchange to find offers from my members of the clan or alliance.
Can you add this option to facilitate finding their offers?

Thank you in advance

Posts: 67

Location: Berlin (Germany)

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Wednesday, January 22nd 2025, 6:15pm

I would also be for it.


Thursday, January 23rd 2025, 1:13pm

ok you have to have the people on your friends list, but I would also be in favor of introducing an extra option to enter nicknames
:whistling: Der Zynismus ist meine Rüstung, der Sarkasmus mein Schwert und die Ironie mein Schild :whistling:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "- Toomi -" (Jan 24th 2025, 7:55am)


Thursday, January 23rd 2025, 6:09pm

How do you search who has stuff listed in exchange?


Saturday, January 25th 2025, 12:52am

ok you have to have the people on your friends list, but I would also be in favor of introducing an extra option to enter nicknames

If they add option to search just alliance/clan members offers would be great during the luck glow event for example


Saturday, January 25th 2025, 11:09am

maybe the admins can set it up in the near future :)
:whistling: Der Zynismus ist meine Rüstung, der Sarkasmus mein Schwert und die Ironie mein Schild :whistling:


Sunday, February 2nd 2025, 12:54am

:xmasparty: yep or set a certain free group function in exchange in ah designated for players to sign up for few days or weeks,

so players with certain spending trend would know what others have in need
hi let's meet in game and have some fun :]
please use Font size at least 10 for better forum reading

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