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Friday, January 17th 2025, 4:14pm

Milzbrand und _LadyBug_

1. Bräutigam…f1a0a912a6243cc
2. Braut…417bde8211a3bd4
3. 03.02.2025 um 9 Uhr morgens

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "unheiligerengel" (Jan 17th 2025, 9:39pm)


Friday, January 17th 2025, 4:17pm

1. Bräutigam F1A0A912A6243CC
2. Braut 417bde8211a3bd4
3. 03.02.2025 um 9 Uhr morgens

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "unheiligerengel" (Jan 17th 2025, 9:39pm)


Sunday, January 26th 2025, 8:30pm

1. Bräutigam: Lyudmila…42b1582dcf8ee39

2. Braut: Schreckse…f55f85ba3b266e0

3. 14.02.2025 um 20:00 Uhr

4. Consecrator: unheiligerengel…fe3bacf2eee818b

Approved - Until 19.02.2025

20:33 Gemäß den Gesetzen der Feo-Welt sind seit 14.02.2025 Lyudmila [8] und Schreckse [5] rechtmäßige Eheleute.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "unheiligerengel" (Feb 14th 2025, 8:46pm)


Tuesday, January 28th 2025, 11:51pm

:xmasparty: :love1: :love: :woody: WE WANNA MARRY :woody: :love: :love1: :xmasparty:

ME the Bride :

The brideman :

we want to have the celebtrator :…f3c36c1c058016c

Date of the weddeing should be on the Valentine´s Day on the 14 th of February please , Time is better at the evening at 18 o clock or later if possible ?!? Thanks

My nearly husband will soon accept and answer too on this forum .

it is neccassary to say that for the lady jane is informed i was trouble with the " Schenkungsgrenze " by an other other Account at the sein-Mädchen she is delete it was mine old Account and never ever a problem was told me because of this ?!? is there now a problem or not ? Can we married without Troubles ? Bechause my old Account sein.Mädchen is delete and had troubled with some stranger letters i sendet back all i was able to not known I had not shuld be taken on me i was conufsed by letter a hundred times and talk to lady jane with _Oilvera in many days but the problem is still the same ?! never ever anybody told me anything about my problem I know hace and how much to pay or what else to do or there is no problem left ?!

pls send a letter too me and _Olivera because of the weddeing and control if the stranger is a problem for me from my old deleted account sein:Mädchen thank you so much


Wednesday, January 29th 2025, 12:06pm

I Accept

:xmasparty: :love1: :love: :woody: WE WANNA MARRY :woody: :love: :love1: :xmasparty:

ME the Bride :

The brideman :

we want to have the celebtrator :…f3c36c1c058016c

Date of the weddeing should be on the Valentine´s Day on the 14 th of February please , Time is better at the evening at 18 o clock or later if possible ?!? Thanks

My nearly husband will soon accept and answer too on this forum .

it is neccassary to say that for the lady jane is informed i was trouble with the " Schenkungsgrenze " by an other other Account at the sein-Mädchen she is delete it was mine old Account and never ever a problem was told me because of this ?!? is there now a problem or not ? Can we married without Troubles ? Bechause my old Account sein.Mädchen is delete and had troubled with some stranger letters i sendet back all i was able to not known I had not shuld be taken on me i was conufsed by letter a hundred times and talk to lady jane with _Oilvera in many days but the problem is still the same ?! never ever anybody told me anything about my problem I know hace and how much to pay or what else to do or there is no problem left ?!

pls send a letter too me and _Olivera because of the weddeing and control if the stranger is a problem for me from my old deleted account sein:Mädchen thank you so much

:drink: approved until 19.02.2025 Best of luck! :shuffle:

19:34 Gemäß den Gesetzen der Feo-Welt sind seit 14.02.2025 _Olivera [11] und -Prinzessin- [4] rechtmäßige Eheleute.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "meeri" (Feb 14th 2025, 7:36pm)


Friday, January 31st 2025, 9:15pm


Hi We would like to get married on the 14th of February at 1800hrs.

Please see the links below

We have had agree to the weeding and happy for you to proceed. Additionally we would like to receive the ceremony in Polish language.

Thank you


Saturday, February 1st 2025, 8:36pm

Hi We would like to get married on the 14th of February at 1800hrs.

Please see the links below

We have had agree to the weeding and happy for you to proceed. Additionally we would like to receive the ceremony in Polish language.

Thank you
I accept this gentleman :D

:drink: approved until 19.02.2025 Best of luck! :shuffle:

18:19 Gemäß den Gesetzen der Feo-Welt sind seit 14.02.2025 Thorgall82 [18] und Kyriana [15] rechtmäßige Eheleute.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "meeri" (Feb 14th 2025, 6:21pm)


Sunday, February 2nd 2025, 8:54pm

Archive Wedding application Feb. 2025

Archive Wedding application Feb. 2025


Tuesday, February 18th 2025, 11:15am

1. Link to the bridegroom:

2. Link to the bride:

3. Preferred time and date of marriage: to be agreed with the consecrator, we are flexible

4. Link to the chosen Consecrator: (in Polish language)


Tuesday, February 18th 2025, 11:19am


:drink: approved until 10.03.2025 Best of luck! :shuffle:

19:16 Gemäß den Gesetzen der Feo-Welt sind seit 28.02.2025 Minisi [11] und Altarie [19] rechtmäßige Eheleute.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "meeri" (Feb 28th 2025, 7:19pm)