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Monday, March 17th 2025, 5:50pm

new guides about new events

hello can we get new guides if possible
list of below events:

1) New mystra talents changes
2) new Chasing the Rainbow event
3) New otheworld reputation
4) Healing mystras


Monday, March 17th 2025, 10:21pm


1) You can refer to the Library for information on updated mystras talents, and the news has a list of changes too.
2) It's a new event, I personally don't have nearly enough info about it yet to write any guides :c
3) The Library has a lot of information about it, was there something specific we missed and you'd like to know more about?
4) Have you checked the Library?

We can update the library articles too if something's missing, so let us know what you'd like to see added :)
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