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Tuesday, December 14th 2010, 8:01am

God of the Cursed and the Dead reputation

Dear admins, 13 December 00.45 a.m. I received Medal of Honor God of the Cursed and the Dead reputation (3000 reputation) but still can't find quest for Medal of Worship.
If this is bug - fix it pls. If it's not - unswer pls when quest for Medal of Worship will be accesible.

P.S. 3-10 days later around 30 players from both races (humans and magmars) will be able for quest for Medal of Worship too and they will unswer you the same so pls unswer asap. Thank you


Tuesday, December 14th 2010, 8:05am

*they will ask you the same


Tuesday, December 14th 2010, 10:33am

Thuís quest is not available yet.


Friday, December 31st 2010, 8:41pm

Quoted from "Cross Knight;35282"

Thuís quest is not available yet.

When can you project it will be available? A matter of weeks, or do we need to wait for another major update? What is the reason for such delay?



Monday, January 3rd 2011, 10:54am

Please be patient and keep an eye on the news. :smile: