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Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 11:39am

Demonologist Feud

What do you get when you finish this quest Demonologist feud:
Current goal: You should supply I-Vidi in the Grand Fort Suburbs with Collected Thistle (10 pcs.), Collected Mistletoe (10 pcs.), Collected Clover (10 pcs.), Agate Dust (100 pcs.), Aquamarine Dust (100 pcs.), Turquoise Dust (100 pcs.) and Small Flickering Crystal.

I dont have much room in inventory so i am asking is it worth doing it, do you get exp, or something else, like some valuable item?


Wednesday, December 15th 2010, 11:45am

"500 Exp. 30 O'Del'vays Rep"
People are like slinkies, Totally Useless. but they put a smile on your face when you push them down stairs


Friday, December 17th 2010, 8:31am


I have this now:
Current goal: During the Demonologist invasion, go to the Demonologist's Cave and weaken the ritual by pouring magic mixture on the chalices. Use the altar to check whether you've got it right

What level do you need to be to finish this quest?


Friday, December 17th 2010, 4:51pm


Considering your Current goal... I believe level 4 is okay... :smile:
And I trust the very same person that you do... I trust the only person left to trust... - ME!


Tuesday, June 7th 2011, 11:52pm

anyone know the order of pouring the mix into the chalices?


Wednesday, June 8th 2011, 4:10am

Quoted from "TheShadowOne;35716"

"500 Exp. 30 O'Del'vays Rep"

oh wow, humans get different reward than magmars :))))))
as far as i remember this quest gives demon cubes (3pcs) - green, blue or purple depending on resources u sacrifice.

Order : nearest to you, left, right, further right, further left.


Thursday, January 11th 2018, 4:02pm

15:34 Achievement accomplished "Filling the chalice"
15:34 As soon as you start reading the book, five tongues of emerald-green flame roar towards the cave's ceiling.
15:34 For successfully conducting the counterritual you receive 150 experience and Devil Cube 3 pcs.

so the reward is different