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Thursday, December 23rd 2010, 2:24pm

Problem with Bloom of Death Quest for City Charter

Bloom of Death [5]
Shiko the Paladin has discovered a new way of fighting evil spirits - Vitasphodel flowers, which absorb the power of the living dead. To ward off an attack by the living dead, it is necessary to sow Vitasphodels throughout the mainland every day.

Current goal: By sowing the Vitasphodel seeds in the Clan Burial Grounds, in the Place of Sorrow, in the Tomb of Kings and in the Forgotten Graves, grow Vitasphodels (4 pcs). Afterwards return to Shiko the Paladin.

I got all 4 vitasphodels --->…act_id=97662601 but there is no option to hand in to Shiko. I have done this quest many times and this is the first time that I have a problem with it.

Plzz look into it when you have time, thnx.


Thursday, December 23rd 2010, 3:19pm

Please retry, issue should be fixed.