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City charter quests lvl4 and lvl6 isnt avaiable
In my reccuring quest summary I have "Accessible" quest Pkhadd Trap [6] but by Ranger isnt avaiable. The same whit lvl4 quest in Outskirt of Klesva. Thanks for help.
Same with Crystals for Craze Ayred [7]
And I trust the very same person that you do... I trust the only person left to trust... - ME!
While I was doing my uber uber rainbow Freight Shipment [9] was not there!:fuu::stesn:
I went and did saving the drought so that worked....
Then I go to do Pkhadd Trap [6] and it's not there!!!
I have the same situation: lvl4 and lvl6 quests are not available.
:stesn:I just checked [7] Crystals for Kraze Ayred is not available as well when will these be fixed?
also lvl [8] is not working