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Wednesday, January 5th 2011, 4:29pm

Mysterious Ailment [5]

Pymen says:
Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I will get down to business immediately. You should obtain #ARTIFACT[6546,Lurious Varranga Slime#, which is known for its healing qualities. These giant Lizards live on the island of Lurious, which is known as the lost island, because it cannot be found on any map. The fortunate few that have made it alive from that cursed land, which is infested with fierce Varrangas, say that the dragon slime gets its healing power from the spring from which they drink water. That's it's secret.

Ik think this: #ARTIFACT[6546,Lurious Varranga Slime#
Should be a link?
Mr. Torture gives pain with his whips and his chains
He knows just what you crave
Mr. Torture


Thursday, January 6th 2011, 2:35pm

Yes, it should indeed be a link...

... and it is now. :smile:
