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  • "-x-SleepyLion-x-" started this thread

Posts: 21

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Wednesday, January 26th 2011, 3:11am

umm im relly confused now

i was in the d-house and we kill galk around 5:00 - 6:00 o clock and i went into lot distribution to sent it to a player we were in the d-house with and the mamoth shield we got from the house.....wasnt in loot distrabution but the key was there again and it said 30% on it so i thought i could use it again so i traded the key to myself to try it again but it sent me the mamoth shield....and the key was gone?....and i was wondering what i could do about this because im very confused about it i still have the shield in my bag too plz reply with a soloution:mol:
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Wednesday, January 26th 2011, 9:59am

U did not set the group to Leader distributes - it was on randon distributes so technically u should have set to leader distribute setting before u go in D house. Random distribution is the default setting in making a group.

  • "-x-SleepyLion-x-" started this thread

Posts: 21

Location: North Hollywood

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Thursday, January 27th 2011, 3:42am

but...i did have it on leader distributes??...
You Dont Have To Attend Every Argument Your Invited To


Thursday, January 27th 2011, 12:35pm

Your description of your issue is very confusing. Can you please describe clearly what went wrong at what date and time so that we can check.


Thursday, January 27th 2011, 10:42pm

Probably timed out, you need to give the item to someone within a set time limit

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Thursday, January 27th 2011, 10:55pm

Leader distributes does not work if the leader is not present in the drop location.