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Friday, January 28th 2011, 4:42am

A trade question

Ok I asked ladydragon about this... me and trigger 1 month back where grouped and we got uni dagger as a drop and then I had a incident with load14 where I had gotten jailed for a month so we couldn't trade. We would like to trade now but don't wanna risk a curse so we wanted the admins appoval before we did it since we never did get the chance to trade?? so if you guys would allow us to trade since we couldn't because of my circumstances we would be greatfull. Loot is money from the dagger when it was sold.


Friday, January 28th 2011, 4:37pm

Please post this trade in the trade forum and wait for approval.


Sunday, January 30th 2011, 8:08pm

ok thank you