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Thursday, October 7th 2010, 6:27pm

forum error

ok so maybe its just me thats getting this but when a post is moved by whoever moves them. if i try to access them i get an error message saying i dont have permission to view it and its not even being locked or anything.

the was one moved from city pub which i had been rplying in and it was moved to mentor advie or something like that yet i cannot access it any more?

is this a glitch with the forum or simply my game client
:stesn: my cookie tower died... there's dead cookies everywhere :stesn:


Thursday, October 7th 2010, 6:53pm

This is a question of rights. As you are not a Mentor you do not have the rights to edit or post things in their threads.


Thursday, October 7th 2010, 10:23pm

no it wasnt a mentor thread it was a public one that was moved but one that can still be replied to but other players.
someone asking about a quest

i dunno maybe its not a glitch i just wondered as its happened a few times now
:stesn: my cookie tower died... there's dead cookies everywhere :stesn:


Friday, October 8th 2010, 11:03am

Please include a link to the thread you are referring to.