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Thursday, March 3rd 2011, 12:44pm

possible bug

think i might have found a possible bug, when i was browsing in the auction i typed in "retri" in the search line to look at retribution items up for sale. I browsed thru the items then clicked back in the search line box to search for other items. I went to press the backspace button on my keyboard and hit the backslash key instead. Some how that entered a bid in on player diafton's retribution cuirass for 10g. I did not want to bid on this item as I already have a retribution cuirass of my own.
11:33 Your bid has been accepted, you have paid 10.
Like i explained i thought i was pressing the backspace button to clear the search line and was pressing the button underneath. This isn't a bid that I had any intention of making but somehow went through the bid process. Can this bid please be returned to me as it was caused by a game glitch.
Thank you for looking into this matter and clearing it up in advance.


Thursday, March 3rd 2011, 6:31pm

ok this matter wasn't cleared up before the auction bid process went thru, now i have sitting in my post the retribution cuirass that i did not want or have any need for that i was forced to pay for by a game glitch. PLEASE return the cuirass to the owner Diafton and return my 10g purchase back to me.


Friday, March 4th 2011, 12:24pm

Auction: purchase diafton [4] 03.03.11 17:10 2d 7h

the transaction so you can track it


Friday, March 4th 2011, 12:57pm

We could not reproduce your problem. you probably clicked on "raise" by mistake.


Friday, March 4th 2011, 1:58pm

ok fine so i'm stuck with something till i can sell it and probably take a loss to do so.......

maybe a cancel bid option can be implimented in the auction for instances like this that the person isn't forced to purchase something they didn't want in the first place. I know there is the confirm option but if there is a misclick or press of a button then the person is stuck. Impliment the option to cancel the bid but if the person wants to do so make it a charge of not more then 10% of the bid price to cancel. that way there is a consequence for cancelling a bid and yet the person still has a recourse to get out of a bid they did not intend. It wouldn't be that hard to write that into the game code to give players options like this and save on some headaches and complaints to the admins over such matters.


Friday, March 4th 2011, 6:21pm

Thanks for this suggestion. You can send suggestions to