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Jailed... but why?
I made a new character MotzuPittis... i put the first character in for voluntary jailing... and now i am jailed because of the first char... 1 day passed and no one signed the voluntary jailing... i want someone to do something about it... i registered the second account today and posted jail thread yesterday... the guards had time to accept my jailing!!! i want JUSTICE!!!! And get my second account MotzuPittis out of jail!!!
this is outrageous!!! i'm jailed because of your forum guards' incompetence... clear my name and get me ut of jail fast!!!! cause i didn't do anything wrong!!!!
You cannot register a new account before guards jail your previous character, it is against the game rules.
yeah... why don't i grow a beard before they jail my account... better get me out of the jail and fast
:idk: well now u got all accounts jailed, just start new one
problem solved
no i won;t start a new one takes 4-5 hours to get to lvl 3...
Please provide the name of your first character and the date and time when you applied for voluntatry jailing.
Fairy Tale and Insolent, this area is not for player comments. Last warning!