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Wednesday, April 20th 2011, 7:12pm

Artful boots of the Jaguar

Hi, ever since update I have a few problems with my artful jaguar boots.…act_id=57040999

1. It says they will expire on August 15th, and the way to change that is to talk to the NPC in waterfall, which I did, but there is no option to fix that - it only offers a change from valour to nonvalour purple items and vice versa.
2. I can equip them... but they have no stats. They also do not give me a bonus for jaguar's set, when equipped with 4 other jaguar items, which they should.

Please fix this. I paid big money a long time ago to get them, now you basically took them away, i have worthless picture in my bag that does no good to me in fight.
12:11 KingPin : Strong clan lookin for slave clan plz apply to moonwalker


Wednesday, April 20th 2011, 7:17pm

To add, the rest of my artful armor (NW hat, jag pauldrons, lizard cuirass, and reflection boots are normal). Seems like only this item has been affected
12:11 KingPin : Strong clan lookin for slave clan plz apply to moonwalker


Wednesday, April 20th 2011, 7:32pm


I have the same problem with my artful boots of reflection…act_id=79913218

i really hope you can do something abouth that


Wednesday, April 20th 2011, 8:09pm

there is a conversion process. talk to the shadow in tomb of kings ( or human equivilent)


Wednesday, April 20th 2011, 11:01pm

Cross knight has promised to resolve the issue for us. It was fast prompt service and he suggested to take a few days to resolve it.

-illuminati- even crushed a few blue armour to try to convert the armour. We were that desperate.

So I am sure things will be fine sooner or later.

Thanks for the skull gift. You think I am even worth your 1g?