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Game Client
I think u need to work on game client quality.
I got disconnected in tallars 7 times and got killed out by time. client lags a lot
In tallars in a fight i was dead due to time out and i was seeing fight thru my eye via other player. fight was finished and i was still seeing the fight for 2 minutes. after that i was fedup of it and i clicked on location button got res and joined another fight and got lagged and got time out. i thought my connection problem but everything was running fine. Something is wrong with our client
fight was over, this i came to know by chat screen. chat screen is working right but the fight screen not
And sometimes my message takes 5-8 seconds to come in chat screen
see my lag
Invisible [7] [Strong Elixir of Power]-> [Strong Elixir of...] effect --me
Invisible [7]Invisible [7] dodge --me
Invisible [7]Invisible [7] -12 blow --enemy
Invisible [7] [Strong Elixir of Power]-> [Strong Elixir of...] effect -me
my hit--------- no hit due to lag
Invisible [7] [Great Elixir of Power]-> [Great Elixir of ...] effect -enemy
Invisible [7]Invisible [7] -29 blow -enemy
Invisible [7] has lost the battle
and if i would not have been killed if ther was no lag. u can ask my enemies how much lag in there. not only me ask hellrocker27[10]
see his information about.
12:52 Some of your items have been damaged: Executioner Boots (-1), Executioner Pauldrons (-1), Lightweight Knapsack (-1), Conqueror Ring (-1).
and i was able to see that battle for 2 more minutes
Try clearing your cache.
If you're using the client, click on "Error!" at the top and select "Delete obsolete files and clear IE Cache"