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Achievement monsters
I fight naked and normally achievemnts count +1 for each kill
Now I tryed again with a zombie 14:42 Fight ended: Attack on Zombie.
Still didn't get achievement I tryed this already with young arboris and Veteran demon dogs and please don't tell to try with hitting already did
Could you please fix this it really annoying thnx
Now I tryed again with a zombie 14:42 Fight ended: Attack on Zombie.
Still didn't get achievement I tryed this already with young arboris and Veteran demon dogs and please don't tell to try with hitting already did
Could you please fix this it really annoying thnx
Same for me, I'm killing Vampires but achievements do not move from 455/500 (it was the value I had before the upgrade)
Last fight
Last fight
18:17 Fight begun: Attack on Zombie.
18:18 You have summoned your steed to help! It will fight fearlessly for you!
18:18 -Martinni93- used an Amulet of Poisonous Berona Tiger to summon a poisonous Berona Tiger to attack .
18:20 Fight ended: Attack on Zombie.
18:20 You have received 1 1.
Still it isn't finished
Started: 01.05.2011 15:45
and I'm not the only one who complains
Please fix this
18:18 You have summoned your steed to help! It will fight fearlessly for you!
18:18 -Martinni93- used an Amulet of Poisonous Berona Tiger to summon a poisonous Berona Tiger to attack .
18:20 Fight ended: Attack on Zombie.
18:20 You have received 1 1.
Still it isn't finished
Started: 01.05.2011 15:45
and I'm not the only one who complains
Please fix this