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Monday, October 18th 2010, 5:13pm

Its proble just a Glitch. But the game has been known to do that from time to time.
As far as Achievements go there is a current problem with that and the Admin are doing there best to fix it.
Buy the Ticket; Take the Ride
:yes: Visit our Mentor Website:


Wednesday, October 20th 2010, 4:58pm

hi as far as i can tell i have done all quests given to me have loked evrywhere for a acceptable quest have done all of lightsedge and arena please help


Tuesday, January 11th 2011, 11:04pm

good site thanks


Wednesday, May 4th 2011, 3:00am

i need riding lessons


Wednesday, September 28th 2011, 3:35pm

anyone know what type ruins i can go for for bone crusher gear :)

Posts: 244

Location: At home

Occupation: Shuffle people

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Wednesday, September 28th 2011, 5:14pm

Quoted from "demangel;112574"

anyone know what type ruins i can go for for bone crusher gear :)

The below link shows all the runes for BC gear.…necrusher-runes

Hope that helps.



Tuesday, January 17th 2012, 4:17am

Great job guys. Kudos to all who put it together. Reminds me of some of the old sites we used to have. Nice resource and good tool for both newbies and some of us who are a little long in the tooth.


Tuesday, March 27th 2012, 10:47pm

I agree! Queen of Death guided me to this site and she's just amazing! so far, i'm deliriously happy with this game, kudos to you Queen of Death you rock!