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No achievement
I have not got the achievent for being initiated into both of the mercinary orders, it says i have only been initiated into the redaxes, and not the nightstealers despite me having a purple nightstealer badge.
Double Honor award is not for initiation, but for honor of both clans. I also have purple NS badge and only recognition of RA. purple badge is honor; will be a while before I get there.
Complete the quests Meeting the Night Stealers [4] and Meeting the Red Axes [4].
complete quest "Encountering the Night Stealers" 1 time(s)
complete quest "Encountering the Red Axes" 1 time(s)
thats not double honour thats just meeting the mercenaries and yeah i have the exact same problem it shows i have met red axes but not night stealers for some reason
I Was Taught That If You're Gonna Murder Somebody You Should Face 'Em, Tell 'Em Why, Look 'Em Dead In The Eye Then Waste 'Em