[7:31:05 AM] Under: Cross Knight
I know what you are trying to say, but i am not posting again because i did not get the answer that i want. I know the answer, what i am looking for is your recognition of it. All three of us who posted in response to this fight are wearing the same armor that we have worn in the last 150 gbs which we have received reputation, I have been in gb's just yesterday in my full armor set which is no different to what any player on the server wears. We did not receive GB reputation when we should have. Do you think it is a coincidence that 3 of us all did not recieve reputation from the same fight?? No it is not.
Now you can respond in the same way that you have the last 5 times, or ban more and more people or simply accept the facts that we have told you. Something happened with the server at the time of the fight that caused us to be wrongly robbed of our reputation.
(BTW, Calling that ban 'abusive behavior' is really quite insulting when the reality is that you simply do not want to do the job that you are payed. I do not appreciate being treated like a child and told to be quiet and go away.)
- The Underdog