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Tuesday, May 17th 2011, 1:38am

Reputation Rating - Badges add to1230, but attribute says 1190

Please could someone explain how Reputation rating is calculated.

My Reputation rating was 1180, and today I moved from grey (10) to green (30) night stealers badge. Was expecting my rating to move +20 to 1200, but it only moved only +10 to 1190?

My understanding was that reputation rating reflected the badges you have achieved, yet on this mine adds up to 1230?

I am rather confused now, is this a glitch or am I misunderstanding something?

Help, please :))


Tuesday, May 17th 2011, 2:04am

Green badges count 20 towards rep rating, not 30. The gold value of the badge does not reflect rep rating in this case.


Tuesday, May 17th 2011, 4:00am

Yep, what he said.

Gray is 10
Green is 20
Blue is 50
Purple is 100
red is 300
12:11 KingPin : Strong clan lookin for slave clan plz apply to moonwalker


Tuesday, May 17th 2011, 7:36am

Thank you for replies :)))

That makes sense. Maybe for clarity, green medals should have a 20 gold value, instead of 30g. :idk:

Is there a particular reason they are priced 30g when valued at 20 reputation, when all other badges reflect gold / reputation value?


Tuesday, May 17th 2011, 10:18am

There are particvular reasons for all prices.