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Thursday, May 19th 2011, 11:31pm

never ending fight

I had a fight go into limbo. I'm not dead, but can't strike last blow with monster has only 3 HP left. neither will monster strike me. please help!

Posts: 244

Location: At home

Occupation: Shuffle people

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Thursday, May 19th 2011, 11:51pm

Not sure if you checking this but if you do..

Quoted from "Lethowsow;88205"…9&page=0&stat=0

He was stuck in fight for 30 mins, I had to get him out with poison

ask a clannie or someone at location join with a posion since that seems to help .. hopefully !



Thursday, May 19th 2011, 11:56pm

quit game and immediately restarted it after ~20 minutes of stall. battle finally gave me next turn and I killed the monster. this was very weird!


Thursday, May 19th 2011, 11:57pm

Please be patient. We currently working on it.