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Sunday, May 22nd 2011, 11:20pm

The HOrn didn't work…9&page=0&stat=0

During the commander fight, I started my endagar and then called a horn for level 13 endagar....the horn was removed from my bag but the level 13 mount never showed up...I got robbed...LOL.

Can I have my horn back at least? thanks.


Monday, May 23rd 2011, 2:33am

There was a similar thread about the horn -> Golden-Call-Horn?
Doubt the reponse u get will be any different. The fight became a GB and wouldnt allow the poor lvl13 in so it went about its business.
And from the looks of the battle thats about right since ur endagar came out after there was 10 mags -> Lvl5-7 battle
which means it was humans who locked it.


Can I have my horn back at least?

:lol: U believe in miracles.


Monday, May 23rd 2011, 12:20pm

Don't use your horns in Great Battles!